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Monday 24 June 2013

Info On Labor Relations Training And Related Topics

By Kathy Kaufman

Labor or work relations is a field that broadly encompasses all the countless interchanges that goes on between employees and their employers. It may refer to both unionized and non unionized employees. Labor relations training is a very big part of its development and as a whole is dictated mostly by governments, providing several regulations to the industry itself in regards to employee treatment.

The Wagner Act or the National Labor Relations Act was passed in the United States on 1935. The sphere of it was responsible for the coverage of a variety of rights that includes striking, union bargaining and the right to protest and action taking that can potentially lead to the desired outcome. The Supreme Court upheld the bill by the time 1937 rolled by.

Its creation led to the birth of a federal agency known as the NLR Board. It was largely made for the protection of worker rights granted by the previous law passed but was its jurisdiction is limited largely to workers within the private sector. Government employees as well as those in the mass transit industry were covered by the Railway Labor Act.

The Wagner Act was greatly undermined by the year in 1947 by the Taft Hartley Bill which was just newly passed. An overridden veto by President Truman led to this law being passed. As a result, the powers the previous bill had given the unions was undermined substantially.

The Wagner Act remains the most famous legislation piece about the issue. It actually goes a lot deeper than what most people realize. Concerning fair practice rules, minimum wage and danger pay legislations are just the tip of the iceberg.

As far as the theoretical field is concerned, examining the interactions between employees and the rest of the world is what this is all about. The examination includes not only employer interactions, but virtually everything that has to do with how employment is affected. As far as the theory goes, negative impact is minimized through the identification of disasters both in existence and potentially occurring ones.

This also means an attempt at damage control. Whatever the potential problems may be, the development of solutions is of terribly great importance. Different situations call for differing methods in terms of damage control. Oftentimes it is better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with an innumerable number of employees.

A good example would be the technology utilized in a certain sector threatens to advance beyond the need of actual humans. This would mean the potential of mass layoffs because human workers would no longer be required to perform. For such events, contingency plans must be made to counter this massive threat to thousands. It must be noted that different solutions may need unique and even multiple solutions.

Quality labor relations training is often the answer for these many concerns. Many disciplines are studied as part of the training, such as law, political science, economics and sociology. As a subsidiary of human resources, unions and their related movements are part of its sphere of study.

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