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Monday 10 June 2013

Explanations On Arguments Against Evolution

By Liliana Mills

The arguments for and against evolution that have been formulated over the years are numerous. Even with the intensive debating, every side has stuck to its argument concerning the origin of life. There are strong arguments against evolution, even with the many theories that are in support of it. It would gain some credibility if it was able to conclusively explain three main things. These are the origin of the earth and the sun, how all other living organisms were formed and how the very first replicating cells were formed.

What is clear from science, theology or even common sense is the fact that we cannot get living organisms from non-living ones. With evolution however, it is believed that originally life evolved from non living things. This is not difficult; it is impossible. In biology, the principle of bio-genesis explains that life can only be gotten from life. Unless evolutionists can prove that life can evolve from non living matter, their theories are senseless.

There are missing links that are needed to complete the theory, at least conclusively. Interestingly, the missing links are still missing. If the theory was true, we should have a large number of intermediate fossil organisms available in the fossil record. Most of the information is thus only inferred and is dependent on the laws of probability and not on the evidence of fossils.

Unfortunately, probability, both scientific and mathematical, does not favor the evolutionary theorem. That a single protein molecule with over two hundred amino acids can arise spontaneously is very improbable. The probability is so small that even if there were such amino acids all over the world, and they were able to combine frantically, there would be no life surfacing. Furthermore, the millions of proteins in the body could not be formed by chance.

There is no possibility that the universe just created itself is not there. This is contrary to evolutionary beliefs that from time immemorial, there was some form of matter available. In short, their explanation about the origin of the universe scarcely makes sense. Scientists like Steven Hawking that argue that the presence of gravity is enough to make it possible for the universe to create itself from scratch. From the laws of thermodynamics, it is clear that if indeed it is true that the universe did exist before, all the energy would have been depleted by now.

Mutations contravene evolutionary theory. Natural selection is not able to bring about any new genetic materials. Indiscriminate changes that occur in the genetic makeup of an organism are known as mutations. Those that believe in evolution say that it is through mutations that new genes that facilitate evolutionary processes are supplied. On the contrary, mutations are simply scientific modifications of cells to be able to survive under new conditions. It has nothing to do with evolution.

Vestigial organs in the body are those that are useless, or those that become useless due to their not being put to use over time. However, just because an organ is not being used does not render it useless. If anything, organs do not become vestigial based on the need of individuals or their use of them.

The arguments against evolution are valid. There is not enough information to believe in evolutionary processes. Creation remains largely believable.

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