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Saturday 22 June 2013

Genealogy Services Past And Present Changes

By Melba Hardy

Genealogy is the study of families and tracing of their lineages and history. It is derived from two Greek words genea meaning generation and logos, which means knowledge. In the American power house family lineage, John Farmer [1789-1838] first systemized research in the early nineteenth century. This is the basis of genealogy services.

It has however pre-existed this development in the biblical times records of ancestry of Abraham, Jacob, Cain and Jesus Christ are just a few of those that are recorded. In the books of Numbers, Genesis and Luke, these records are well detailed and organized. In the Quran, records of Prophet Muhammad's ancestry are detailed showing his relation to Ishmael who was the son of Abraham.

Previously this study was done by keeping detailed records of all births, deaths and marriages especially in the biblical age information especially on clans and origins as detailed. In the Anglo-Saxon age royalty and the rich used familial ties to stake a claim to power and wealth. The nobles would record their ancestral lines in a familial coat of arms in a practice known as heraldry.

Those who currently undertake this practise are referred to as genealogists. Theirs is a pursuit of family history with different motivations some including preservation of ancestry for future generations. Some pursue it as a hobby and trace down their family lines and those of their spouses while the professional genealogists trace down family lines for others at a fee.

Methods of recording information have also developed incredibly over time from recording them on stone tablets and papyrus reeds to use of family lineages software. This software is used to collect, record, store, sort and display genealogical data. In the past, the information was used to show descent of a person and tracing back a familial line to links with kings, gods or other people of prominence was often seen. Nowadays, however, this field is used to trace long lost relations, track down existence of hereditary diseases in families, reconstruction of family history, tracing of family origins.

John Farmer promoted growth of research institutes, which deal in this field. His efforts to trace down familial decentry led to the formation of this example of a society. The New England Genealogical Society is one the oldest and prominent societies whose aim is dedicated storage and preservation of public records.

The genealogical society of Utah also known as The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints founded in 1894 also serves a similar function. It has an extensive genealogical record gathering program, which is one of the best in the world. It was established primarily by Mormons to trace down families for special ceremonies intended to seal the familial bond.

In this technological age, genealogy services is popular with people from all walks of life tracing their lineages. The rise of the internet increased the number of available resources to genealogists causing more people to show interest in the practice of genealogy. The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius as an early genealogist, he complied his family tree which is hailed as the largest extent family tree. It has been maintained for close to two thousand five hundred years and is listed in the Guinness record books.

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