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Sunday 20 January 2013

The Responsibility Of The Center For Political Accountability

By Claudine MacDonald

Managing a large group of people can be a major problem especially when there are different ideologies involved. There is always a need to ensure transparency in the way public organizations are run and where there is some kind of funding, there must be systems in place to audit and make sure there is accountability in the way the funds are utilized. This role in difficult and it is the objective of center for political accountability.

All over the world, government are elected to manage the formation of policies as well as the spending of public resources. In most countries, the political leaders have been blamed repeatedly for the misuse of the same resources that they are entrusted to oversee. This can be a challenge because it is very difficult to police the watchman to make sure they do not steal the property they are supposed to be guarding.

It is common knowledge that almost all private companies look for a leadership that can facilitate their growth. This is a common loop hole that many politicians take advantage of. In order to get some sponsorship from a private trader, many politicians will try to go the extra mile to show the potential donor that they can actually rise to the occasion.

Because it is not easy to simply trust that your benefactor will make good use of the resources you give them, you should have a worthy group to keep a close watch over them. It is in this respect that the company that gives any form of assistance to an outfit that is involved in politics has to give conditions regarding the use of the funds they give.

Without having a well managed organization tracing the actions of such groupings, it cannot be easy to push all parties to be accountable to the public. Most of them benefit from a host of investors with each team having an idea of what they want to benefit from once everything falls in place to prevent wrong deeds.

After following up on a number of cases where the authority is taken to task over their actions, it has become important to streamline the systems in order to have a sound institution that cannot be infiltrated by any corrupt forces. The organization therefore makes sure it has a high integrity in addition to a good reputation among the citizens.

In some situations, the organization is even forced to take up the case with other better managed institutions that give donations to governments. This is a sure way of ensuring the authorities are taken to task because they will not want to loose the good will of its donors at any time. That is why they have to fear when the organization gets involved.

A common problem that many donors face when they give funds to political parties is the high risk of the money being used to do other things that were not intended. As a result, most donors always want to force the authorities to include the center for political accountability in their operations for the sake of accountability and reporting.

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