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Tuesday 8 January 2013

Discover More Of The History Of Alaska

By Elva Salinas

The history of Alaska dates back to thousands of years before Christ during the upper Paleolithic period when migrants from Asia crossed the Bering land bridge to what is today known as western Alaska. The Asian migrants were the first to pass the bridge and that led to them settling in western part; most of them settled in what is now known as Canada.

Alaska is a name that was derived from the word Aleut, which stand for great or main land. People tried to change the name several time, but ended up giving the place the present name. Vitus, a Danish explorer led the first landing to kayak island. Unfortunately, he died later during his regular exploring trips to the islands. His ship broke down as he was going to Kamchatka Island.

The land is one of the lands that are rich in minerals around the globe. The discovery of oil, gold and coal during the nineteenth century was in this land. This made many migrants move to this point to search for gold. However, the land was later made a district and Alaskan government was formed, restricting illegal extraction of gold.

With its various qualities, several countries had targeted the land for colonization until the nineteenth century when American purchased the land from the Russians. Nonetheless, it was only in 1959 that they declared it as the forty ninth state. After years of struggling from colonizers and civil war fighter, it was truly a remarkable moment in history of America, putting it in the American calendar.

During the Second World War, two of Alaskan islands Attu and Kiska were attacked by the Japanese which made them a huge part of the war. The invasion resulted to the imprisonment of Attuans whereby they were kept as captives in Japan until the war was over. It took a two week fight to regain Attu and thee captives shipped to Japan which resulted to loss of many lives.

The economy of the territory does not rely on minerals only, but other activities such as fishery, timber production, tourism and agriculture. This factor has helped Alaska revive their economy even after facing so much trouble that was meant to destroy this territory. The presence of so many resources has made the people living in the territory take each disaster as a tool to make them stronger.

Its population includes American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts. Over the years, Alaska has been hit by a couple of natural disasters such as the 1964 earthquake and tsunamis in the previous years. Even so, the state has moved on and rebuilding their infrastructure and their other lost assets. They have not had a recent hit as they have learnt survival techniques to help them preserve lives during such epidemics.

Currently, Alaska is partitioned in boroughs, not like other American states, which are divided in counties except Louisiana. In relation to the history of Alaska, several problems have been experienced in the earlier period. Nonetheless, to conclude fairly, it greatly represents America historically and culturally, which simply implies the way they live their life.

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