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Thursday 3 January 2013

The Great Political T Shirts Conservative

By Maryellen Lamb

If you are a Republican then you may have quite a few political t shirts conservative. People living in America who support this party are quite extreme and they make some harsh statements by wearing these garments. In their mind they are only doing what is right in a chaotic society that has gone to hell in a trash can. These individuals feel that liberal people are taking over everything.

Gun control has always been a major subject that will get many people into heated arguments. There is a sketch of a gun on some of these garments which implies that people have the right to own these items. Many countries have faced this issue during the political seasons and there seems to be no resolution.

Having the right to carry a weapon has always been a major issue and by wearing these garments many people are showing their belief in this theory. There have been many shootings recently in the United States which makes this such a hot button issue and it is really hard to tell what the outcome will be on this issue. There was a horrible shooting at a movie theatre which left twelve individuals dead and there was a shooting at a public school only days before Christmas.

When you look back at the 1980's there is no doubt that you will think about President Ronald Reagan and his dramatic leadership. This man's face can now be seen on many garments on the current market. This was a person that looks good as a sketch and he believed in keeping things in America traditional. Mr. Reagan was also a bit of a cad in his Hollywood days but Republican people still adore him.

The most negative sketch that can be found on a garment for this party is that of President Obama. There is a red line going across the President's face which simply means that people wearing the garment are opposed to his way of thinking and his politics. These items are really worn by Republicans who want to make people of different races angry. America is still fighting the Civil War in many places.

Individuals who belong to the Republican party may also sport an item that has negative statements on it about gay marriage. Some of the garments will say cruel things about homosexual males and anyone who is different. Some will have a woman and man standing next to each other with a statement that refers to Adam and Eve.

Many of the other garments may have a picture of a baby on it and then will make a negative statement about the issue of abortion. This is another hot button issue that is sure to get everyone's attention once the item is placed on the person' body. Sometimes the garments will have a picture on it which shows a fetus under a knife.

Political t shirts conservative play a major role in different societies and everyone is entitled to their opinion. The more humorous item will show a baby chicken who is shocked to see his buddy on the breakfast plate. The friend is now scrambled eggs who will become a delicious meal for someone.

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