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Thursday 10 January 2013

Analysis Of Different Elements Of Political Responsibility

By Rosetta Crane

There are various elements that need to be evaluated when determining the integrity of a person. Political responsibility entails all the ethical aspects of a public entity. A person or a party is evaluated and screened by different independent bodies in order to determine their levels of integrity and appropriateness to hold a public office. The main focus is emphasis on moral values within the national and international circles.

Economies grow because there is freedom to act as one deems appropriate. The freedom of speech and movements forms the core of most democracies. People are held politically responsible for all their actions. Individuals are politically answerable for all the decisions made especially if there are elections. Leaders on the other hand are questioned after making certain decisions. They are judged according to the power vested in them.

Most of political upheavals are fueled by the politicians either directly or indirectly. Politics and reckless utterances are often regulated to provide a room for sanity. In most cases, there are no special frameworks put in place to restrict the movements and utterances in some cases. Lack of sound framework propels most of them into anarchy. The masses are left at the mercy of chaos.

Leaders are chosen by individuals. When making such a decision, the persons making the decision mainly relies on their conscience. Sometimes their personal preferences also come in handy in helping decide. Information is gathered from various sources. If the information is reliable, then it could be used as basis of making decisions. In such cases, the persons making the decisions could be held accountable for the decision made.

Elections are held after a certain period. This is determined by the regulations and the laws of the land. Ethical screening ought to be done in such times. The persons vying for elective seats should undergo independent screening. The parties undertaking the screening are held accountable by the people. Power sharing among the opponents is such a great area of contention. The parties are used to counter-check each other in some cases.

Those who hold public offices have the power of masses vested in them. This means that they should act in the best interests of parties that voted them. Personal interests should be shelved aside. This eliminates greed and corruption. The representation of people under all times ought to be fair and evenly distributed. In case of conflicts of interests, the people in leadership positions have to let go personal interests.

The results are used as a basis of judging various actions. The actions are used to the results. The end results are the main focus. If the consequences contravene on the morality, the entire course of action taken is deemed wrong. All the judgments should be rational.

There are various principles that are used as platform of judging the various elements of political responsibility. Integrity, accountability and probity form the basis of most of judgments. The values form the backbone for most of political powers. This provides a platform of evenly judging various matters that relate to the politics.

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