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Tuesday 15 January 2013

Recent Gas in Africa

By Milton Holmesa

In Africa not too long ago publicised the first time an oil discovery in the Lake Turkana region in the northeast of the nation, starting to be the third oil producer in East Africa right after Uganda and Tanzania.

Africa offers great oil resources, with traditional oil-producing countries mainly in North Africa and West Africa, including Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Sudan , Congo, Nigeria, Angola, and Chad. These days, some nations in East Africa and West Africa, including Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, have found large oil reserves and joined in oil production.

Great natural gas resources are also located in South Africa. In February, 2010, huge gas sources were found in Mozambique just offshore and significant natural gas resources readily available industrial exploitation were also located in Namibia and Botswana.

Obtaining a new offshore oilfield in Angola, a conventional oil-producing country, is predicted to substitute Nigeria to be the largest oil producer in Africa. Besides, oil pursuit in Madagascar, Seychelles, Ethiopia and Somalia is arrived.

As an rising number of African countries have discovered oil and gas resources, how to prevent "Resource Curse" becomes a large problem confronting new oil-producing countries. Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank, explained that African countries with new development of oil and gas resources should spend money on education and national infrastructure construction, and support traditional industries, so as to lay a solid foundation for eco friendly development.

The Kenyan government suggests that it will invest 15 billion shillings (180 million dollars) in mineral development. The Ugandan govt has worked out organized plans involving highway, railway and energy development and approved a plan of building a refinery. An oil pipeline is going to be built from Lake Albert to Kampala, the main city city of Uganda.

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