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Friday 25 January 2013

Importance Of A Second Amendment Right To Keep And Bear Arms

By Dorothy Hurley

Safety and security is a need for each individual. It is incumbent upon to protect them. This is important in having peace of mind. One really cannot be sure of what is to happen next. All one could do is maintain caution in all things. This can prevent the most mistakes. There are a lot of ways for one to protect himself and his loved ones and it is beneficial to note that one is protected through the second amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The second amendment is a part of the United States Bill of Rights adopted in December 15, 1791. This protects the right of the people to be armed. There are a lot of debates about the subject because of the violence that it can result to if not observed properly. It does however serve a lot of good for people in that, it can make one feel secure when they feel a threat is underway.

You can see that many crimes happen each day. It may be due to the access people get because of this amendment. But it does stop the violence too. You would effectively guard yourself if you can use a weapon.

Even when you are in your own home, you are not entirely safe. There are many crimes that happen inside a home. Fences and walls are not enough to guarantee your safety. You can use a lot of security measures but still, they are not all fool proof. Being redundant in maintaining security would be more agreeable.

One should be responsible when calling out to this right. One who has not had the training should not attempt to wield it. This can cause a lot of mishaps. Improper use of resources would only be a waste. It can even do more harm than good.

Ownership of weapons should not be taken so lightly. An individual who wishes to do this must educate himself or get an education about the implications of having a weapon. A person would not be buying himself a vehicle which knows not how to operate. A person who does not know how to fire a weapon should also not be in possession of it.

It is an individual's responsibility to protect himself and others. He should train to shoot when there is a plan to own a weapon. One should also have good judgment of when to use it and when not to.

It is really important that one feel safe where he is. There should be a measure of confidence in the system and if that fails, then one can be confident in his abilities to protect himself and the people around him. There are many responsibilities to bearing arms and it is important that one observes them all.

You should remember that your second amendment right to keep and bear arms will not mean freedom to do with it as you please. You need to be accountable, cautious and present. You should note that all has freedom and you need to respect that of each.

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