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Wednesday 2 January 2013

Some Services Offered By Unions Australia

By Doris Madden

The work environment can be very tricky because sometimes you get what you want and things work out smoothly but this is not always the case. Once in a while you run into some kind of turmoil because your employer wants to take undue advantage of your weaknesses as a person. It is due to such situations that Unions Australia was formed.

Over the past decades, the impact of such organizations has been felt with more workers deciding to join or form similar groupings. The main concern was that such groups were mostly formed on the basis of numbers. This means that companies that only had a few employees who could therefore not garner enough numbers to form a union were often left out. This situation exposed such employees to abuse.

It must have been out of necessity that the Unions Australia was eventually crafted with the plight of all the hitherto marginalized workers in mind. It did not have to matter whether you were employed in a big organization or just a simple store up the street, as long as you were a worker, you were eligible and you were supposed to be protected.

At the workplace, many things could lead to problems or disputes between employees and their employers. Some cases involve injuries at the work place while others may be concerned about poor working conditions or even poor pay. Regardless of the nature of any dispute between the employee and employer, the union takes responsibility.

When you become a member, you need to stop worrying because you can always be assured that there is a bigger representative towering over your shoulder even as you negotiate for your rights at the work place. Disputes arising from work related incidents can be discussed internally and an agreement reached or at the courts in case the parties involved cannot reach consensus over the matter.

Sometimes the company or employer simply follows the law and there is no need to involve the judicial processes in the matter. It is therefore based on the reaction of the employer and the circumstances surrounding the incident in question. That is why the union has to carry out its own research to establish the circumstances involved.

Because of the legal fees involved, many people who do not have the backing of a strong union may easily succumb to blackmail or even intimidation from the employer and let go. This has happened in the past for many people who were not unionized. Such cases easily lead to impoverishment of entire households.

There are cases where employees may be sacked under controversial circumstances. There are always some rules that govern the association between two parties associating as employer and employee respectively. Unions Australia strives to ensure that when the engagement is terminated, it has to take into account the interests of the employee who is the most vulnerable of the parties involved. Because he or she may not have the resources to pursue justice, the union has to take charge to safeguard his interests.

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