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Friday 30 May 2014

True Non-Partisan Political Information Is Difficult To Find

By Nora Jennings

People need facts to become informed about any issue. If there are no facts to bring to bear, or no one is willing to give them the facts that are available, bad decisions are made. It is very telling that some who have, or have access to, the facts do not share them. This is not non-partisan political information but talking points created out of, much too often, whole cloth.

When looking for this type of valuable information, you are often misled into believing something that is not at all in concert with the facts. A politician will tell you what they want you to know or believe, not necessarily what is going on. They do this in an attempt to make themselves or their party look good.

Looking to the dominant media does little in the search for this non partisan data. To be truly non partisan is to report facts, wherever they are and whatever they reveal. Most media sources will be aligned with one side or the other. They will report what that political ideology demands they write or present on radio or television. This usually falls on only one side of the aisle.

The debates that occur, in the process of an election, are no different. One side will have, as their backup, the accommodation paid to them by the moderators. That was shown in the Presidential debates in 2012 where a moderator actually had the transcript of a press conference to provide cover to their candidate. The facts of the discussion where covered over and not presented.

Political correctness means non communication. With no real communication, emotional partisanship is the order of the day. The yelling that comes from a desire, by these presenters, to make sure everyone is using the proper words is all that people hear. These are heated and not particularly helpful in understanding what is going on.

Even when the vast majority of politicians and other media presenters show themselves to be nonfactual, people still need to hear what is going on in a fairly straight forward way. They need to be able to believe and accept their elected officials word for many things they are not privy to. Knowing they are not getting that, they must must then try to identify where else they can get the non partisan facts they need.

Many people, in order to find out the facts about any issue, think they can do this by reading, viewing or listening to all sides and making their own determination. This is, however, hard work and many find it too difficult. They go to websites that suggest they are non partisan only to find they are not. They are faced with still more emotionalism about issues such as gun control or the state of healthcare.

Getting to the heart of each matter, which is the facts that are relevant, must come from your own common core. Check out the media reports and look past the political correctness as it does not help you. Look at the emotional heart strings that are pulled and know that this is done because there are no facts with which to back them up. Understand that free people need to know who they can trust and on who it is misplaced.

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