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Friday 30 May 2014

Illinois Elections 2014 For Governor Is Critical

By Lila Bryant

Republicans in Illinois have had a rough time. Before the Illinois elections 2014, democrats had ruled the office of the governor and all offices of the legislature. When 2014 elections were almost new legislature maps were drawn that favored democratic candidates. The new legislative maps made it increasingly difficult for Republicans to get back their positions in the Senate or state House for more than a decade.

Despite the challenges that the Republicans have had for more than a decade, they are confident that they can win the elections clinching not only the gubernatorial position but also other posts. Their victory in the upcoming polls is the closest opportunity they have for restoring a balance in power. The party intends to nominate Pat Quinn as their flag bearer in the gubernatorial race. They have confidence in the candidate. Supporters believe that he is best qualified to tackle the challenges of high rate of unemployment, increased credit rating in the state and the rising taxes.

Republican has been aggressive and confident about the polls. Jack Dorgan the chairman of the party has stated categorically that their main target is getting back the governorship. The chairman of the party has consistently been confident the Illinois GOP is a big economic driver that will turn things around. They promise their voters that after voting them in they will be amazed at development that will take place in the state.

The party is still having several disagreements despite the fact that elections are around the corner. One of the major disagreements is who among the vying candidates is best suited for the position. Most Republicans have high hopes on Quinn and his potential to lead. However analysts in politics have it that the figure has been coming loose over the last few weeks.

All the contestants have had to convince the party and public that they will win the elections if nominated. Paul Green a political analyst observes that Quinn had been ranked highly and thus the chances for him to win are high.

The few weeks before Republican primary March 18, the vying candidates had to convince voters that they will win the elections come November. These candidates include Kirk Dillard, Bill Brady, Treasurer Dan Rutherford and Bruce Rauner a businessman.

Brady who beat Quinn with about thirty thousand votes in 2010 claims to be the best candidate for the seat because he has the experience of the same position. Bloomington a businessman views Quinn as the most vulnerable contestant because he has recognition in the public which is an important tool for one to win statewide.

Rutherford also appears a potential person for the seat. He won in previous election with about two million votes. Rutherford is confident and says had won in 2010 pools and he knows how to do it again. He terms his service has the missing link meant to turn the state around.Voters of Illinois join voters in other states to elect their senators and members to the house of representatives.They will on the same day elect various representatives to the state and local level.

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