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Saturday 31 May 2014

News As Presented On The Current Conservative News Blog

By Lila Bryant

Many people in this world love change-most of the times for the sake of nothing serious. Many things have always changed while traditionalists have always enjoyed conventional practices. There are many branches in the field of news reporting and every news agency tries hard to narrow down on a particular branch of reporting. Current conservative news blog is an example of a news blog that specializes in conservative news. It was started in New York some years back.

In particular, the blog reports conservative issues to their followers. This news includes American politics, world news, economic affairs, social matters and world news. This news mostly criticizes wrong decisions that stray away from common conservative views and philosophies. Besides these sections, it discusses historical issues, values, principles and views on certain important issues around the world.

This blog mostly adopts a skeptical perspective on actions of members of the American community. In one story, they aim at knowing if President Obama was truly born and raised in a Christian background. They also wonder why Obama never proves that he is a Christian. They even go further to thoughtfully question his incapability to assure Americans that he, in all aspects, qualifies to be called an American.

This blog goes further to condemn the way in which various presidents ran all wars that America was involved. Articles on this blog condemn these wars for having been expensive to the economy of the country when they should not have been a priority. Other bloggers also accuse Obama of pretending to be without knowledge concerning the war, or having been involved when he fully knew everything about the wars.

Another article is very critical of leaders who give very promising promises during their campaigns only to find them impossible to accomplish when elected. The writer of this article is very negative. He insists that it is not possible to have a government which is totally accountable to its citizens. Sarah Palin is quoted in another article criticizing Obama for his lack of the ability to enforce accountability in his government. She argues that this predicament results from the fact that Obama is lazy.

Under world news, the blog talks about a wide range of issues touching on other parts of the world. It looks at politics, economies, social behaviors, cultures and other issues affecting people in other continents other than America. In one article, the blog talks about members of the Islamic Brotherhood group who were attacked in the Libyan parliament by members of the National Militia group.

Some of the social affairs handled on this blog include; sexual mistreatment, homosexuality, HIV.AIDS and other illnesses among other pressing issues. In one of the mostly read stories, the blog tells a story of a girl who has been sexually abused by her six brothers for several years. The blog also talks about homosexuality with a condemning tone. It refers to homosexuality as being an abomination according to the bible, and criticizes human beings for valuing modernism at the expense of real biblical teaching.

It would be right to, therefore, conclude that this blog takes a bitter approach to issues that do not agree with conservative ideologies. Writers on this blog do not like how things happen in the contemporary world. They believe that the desire to change is what causes all the problems facing the world today.

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