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Friday 23 May 2014

The Conservative Candidates Illinois 2014 Is Going To Offer Are Rather Good

By Marci Glover

Everyone out there tells you that you should vote. You get all kinds of different messages are being brought to you from so many different parties taking part in the race to become the winning party. The conservative candidates Illinois 2014 is bringing, are good choices.

Have you ever sat in your living room watching television with your family? It's been a good day and you and your family is in good spirit and the next program that comes up is the news. You see everything that goes wrong in the country and how many people dies on a daily bases because of decisions that was made by people in high places and they are just all so wrong.

The second reason is that it is your children's education. The board members of both the local and state school boards will consist of the people of the party that won the elections. Surely you have the right to have a say of whole should be in these boards that will have an effect on the education for your children of even grandchildren.

One more reason is that it will affect you children's education. The panel members of either the local or state school panels will entail of the people of the group that won the votes. Surely you would want the education in good hands. The government is also responsible for what happens at your job and what will be deducted from your salary. The government will be the one that will decide on things like training in the work place. It will also have the say on fair hiring of staff, as well as your health insurance. Health care and what will be freely available to the public will be the choice of the winning party.

The fourth reason is your health care. Anything that has been decided by the governor or president about the health care situation will most definitely affect you r health care as well. This is another area where you have the right to at least voice your opinion.

The constitutional right is yours. The republic is yours. Why not draw your cross and make all of this work for you. Should you decide not to vote you are basically putting your future, you loved ones future and you're right in someone else's hands.

Imagine taking your salary and putting it in the hands of the worse corrupt person ever. You will never even dream of doing that. You will never even think of doing this out of your own free will let alone being forced to do this. Well guess what, if you do not vote, that is exactly what you are doing. You are taking your salary and putting it some ones hands that you don't know from a bar of soap, and who knows they might just be the biggest corrupt person ever.

Seeing all the bad things that can happen, the bead decisions that could be made and the fact that your children's futures are in the hands of the person that won the elections, it will probably make you thing a little bit more on what you want to do. Take your stand and take your right and future into your own hands and vote. There are very good candidates to be found in the Illinois 2014 elections.

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