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Thursday 22 May 2014

Get To Learn More About Illinois Elections 2014

By Marci Glover

The primary election in Illinois took place on 18th March 2014. Voters were expected to vote for the three main categories in order to narrow down the number of candidates running in the general elections. The three main categories of Illinois elections 2014 include the State Central Committee men, Precinct Committee men and the township committee men.

Voters are expected to elect the executive leaders of the state, representatives to congress and the general assembly for the districts among other state leaders. Being one of the 22 mixed party system state, voters will declare party affiliation at the polls. They do not have to register with a specific party and are therefore allowed to change parties yearly as long as they declare one at the polls.

The Democratic party incumbent governor Pat Quin who has been in office since 2009 will run for re-election against the republican candidate Bruce Rauner at the general election. Previously, a separate primary election for the Lieutenant governor would take place but as of present, the candidates get to choose their own running mates ones the law was changed. The Democratic Party Pat quins running mate is Paul Vallas while that of the Republican Party is Evelyn Sanguinetti.

With regards to the gubernatorial elections, Incumbent governor Pat Quin could be one of the most vulnerable candidates to run for reelection after the preceding governor was impeached. His running mate will be Paul Vallas . They will be running against the Republican Partys Bruce Rauner and his running mate Evelyn Sanguinetti. He will also be running against other third party candidates. Governor Pat Quins current lieutenant governor, Sheila Simon will not be running for another term and will instead run for the State Comptrollers Office.

Jesse White the incumbent secretary of state eligible for reelection in the November elections. He was first elected in 1998.He will be running against Mike Webster; the president of the Cass School District Board of Education.

The current state comptroller Judy Baar will be running for reelection for a second term. She will be running under the Republican Party. The Democratic Party Candidate for state comptroller will be Sheila Simon who is currently the lieutenant General of the state. There are other who will be contesting for the other two offices.

Tom Cross and Bob Grogan of the Republican party were declared candidates to run for the Treasurers office against Mike Frerichs of the Democratic party. The two republican were declared after the withdrawal of Michael Scott and Bob Schillerstorm. The incumbent treasurer Dan Rutherford will not be running for reelection.

It is clear that the people of Illinois will take up their constitutional right to vote given the increased number of registered voters. There has also been increased change in the party affiliations that was seen during the primary elections. This is due to the fact that the state has a primary hybrid system. This system allows voters to declare their party affiliation at the polls as opposed to the common declaration during registration. Voters are therefor allowed to change affiliation as they wish but declare one during the polls.

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