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Saturday 31 May 2014

Illinois Congress Candidate 2014 Acceptance Rules

By Lila Bryant

The world atlas gives us a clear indication that the earth is divided into continents. Every continent is further subdivided into countries. No matter how they were formed, these countries have a system of government. The state forms part of the greater nation called the United States of America. This is a state that will be exercising its right to elect leaders in the year 2014. Every Illinois congress candidate 2014 must be put to the test. Citizens of Illinois will exercise their democratic right to give to themselves the best leader.

The United States has a Congress which comprises of two houses. Those two houses are the House of Representatives and the Senate. This is democratically exercised down to the lowest level of administration. The named state has One Hundred and Nineteen state representatives and fifty nine Senate members. The quorum for the General Assembly has to be 118 members present. The United States constitution favors the bicameral legislature.

Any candidate willing to be elected to the General Assembly must have attained the age of 21 years or above. In order to be cleared the candidate must first of all be a U. S Citizen. The aspirant ought to have been a resident of the district in which he or she wants to represent at least two years before the election.

The United States is a country that values democracy. This flows down to its states, Illinois included. Despite having major political parties, a candidate can vie on any other party. Independent candidates are also allowed. Voters must have attained the age of eighteen years and above. In order to be eligible to vote, a voter must have been a permanent resident in the State for the past 30 days before elections.

The state is divided into eighteen congressional districts. Each district produces candidates who must be elected through the ballot box. Once elected these district representatives become the Illinois state representatives. Elections for these representatives will be held in November 2014. This election will be held the same time with the federal elections. It will also coincide with other state offices, the Illinois Governor election and the United States senate.

All legislative powers belong to both houses. This is granted by the United States constitution. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate form the General Assembly. The two chambers are also equal partners in legislation matters. However there are some unique powers granted to each chamber. In case of any impeachment to go through, the senate is supposed to have two thirds majority in voting in favor.

A sitting congress season lasts for a period of two years. The senators and the congressmen or congresswomen can be re elected or thrown out for another two years. Their obligation to the electorate is what matters most.

This state is one of the prosperous states of America. It has a high social standing for having produced presidents and great people in America. Every person willing to represent the people in any level of representation has to ensure that its potential and growth are well cultivated. The good thing is that the constitution itself protects the citizen, the state and its resources. The freedom to vote must also be exercised with care.

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