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Friday 23 May 2014

Evaluation Of The Illinois Congress Candidate 2014

By Marci Glover

Politics has always been and will always be a very dirty game. Politics is characterized by very cunning characters and therefore is not a play ground for the light minds. Politicians have a very strong sense of mind-reading abilities. They have to read the minds of the masses especially when campaigning and making promises. Honesty is a very good virtues but being excessive honesty can damage a political career. This means that one has to balance between being good with eh tongue and being able to live up the promises.

Various political candidates have to seek public offices through the process of voting. The Illinois congress candidate 2014 will be selected from a pool of these candidates. There are a number of elective positions that have to be filled. Governor, the senator and the house representatives are voted in to represent the interest of voters. The head of the county administration is the governor while the senator helps them with the drafting of the legal framework with the help of house representatives.

The US political structure is divided into a number of levels. The president is the head of the state. He is helped by the vice president and the executive powers are delegated to various cabinets to the state departments. These are the president appointees and have to be reviewed by the parliament. The senate is made up of the senators elected from different counties. These are helped by a group of governors who oversee all county operations with the help of house representatives.

For past couple of elections, the Congress party has boosted the largest numbers of politicians in both houses. The senate house and the parliament has been the pillar for this strong party. There have been the driving principles for all this success. The party was established on several principles which have been propelling the party into new success territories. Openness, service to people and diligence are some of the supporting pillars for this party.

For years, the principles and values have been the leading mantra. Politicians registered under this party have to demonstrate that they are willing to serve their people at all costs. The candidates seeking to be elected under the party have to undergo political screening. This process ensures that all the candidates do not have any past dealings that may taint the name of the party after being elected into the office.

There a number of responsibilities that comes with being in a political office. There are a number of expectations that they also have to live up to. Since they present a number of a public affairs, the officers have to be selfless. This calls for putting the public interests ahead of the personal interests.

Before any appointment is made to the public office, the candidates have to undergo screening. Public screening is done by the body conducting the elections across the country. Political screening is done by the respective political parties. The two bodies have a fiduciary responsibility of ensuring that only the best candidates are presented for an election.

After four years are over before the next election is held, all public officers have to quit the offices. This gives the election body a chance to prepare for the next election. The body is financed by the government and is entrusted with the role of overseeing that the elections are free and fair.

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