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Friday 17 May 2013

To Help Protect Our 2nd Amendment Rights Ignore The Press

By Jennie Sandoval

The believers in the second amendment have quite a few different groups that are trying to undermine their ability to arm themselves. These will include, of course, those who do not believe those rights are proper to be held by regular people. Some of those groups are the law makers who have sworn to uphold the US Constitution that states we do have those rights. In order to protect our 2nd amendment rights, we also have to do battle, verbally, with the fourth estate.

A lot of the people who are speaking to the media are the celebrities and others of the shakers and movers class. These are people who are on the current most respected list of people and have an almost unchallenged status in whatever they are talking about. Most of these have or have had concealed weapons permits and feel they should not have to follow the laws they want to see enacted.

A prominent Senator from New York has stated, recently, that assault weapons have been claiming the lives of millions of kids. This outright lie has been duly broadcast and published on many of the major media outlets without verification of facts, simply because there are none. The emotional stories that make the headlines are rarely, if ever, backed up by pier reviewed materials based on real studies.

The many gun laws that are in existence would not have stopped the massacre of children and teachers at Sandy Hook, because, as a criminal, the shooter did not follow them. Not only that, the gun free zone that was the school allowed him to shoot all that he did. He knew there was not going to be anyone with a gun in there to stop him.

All of the reporting about the emotional pleadings of people who have agendas or are just wanting to get along with who they believe is almost everybody fails to mention many facts. Among these facts are that gun crimes have fallen since a high in 1993. The major news media reports every crime that happens and expands on them to the point that many people do not hear about the lower gun crime rates.

The 27 words that make up the second amendment deals with individual peoples rights to own and use guns. It does not, as many law makers will want you to believe, have anything to do with hunting. It does talk about this need to preserve a free society. The only way a society is less free is when tyranny conspires others to remove this right from them.

The States and communities that have enacted the harshest gun laws are the areas that have the most gun crimes, even now. Part of what the lawmakers and the media say they are after is safe streets and common sense reforms to the laws we now have. Whet they propose is to deny the commonly used weapons of today being able to be held by those individuals mentioned in the second amendment.

When looking at any law that comes out and states they are wanting common sense reforms, check the fine print. The ability to protect our 2nd amendment rights will allow us to be able to protect all of the other rights. That information about those rights and their necessity will not come from the dominant media as they have a vested interest in rolling many of our rights back.

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