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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Talk Radio Online, Thom Hartmann exposes the Real about America

By David Hawkins

Talk Radio Online, Thom Hartmann puts America on blast About Truth.

Good day buddy I want to tell you about the most honest liberal commentator on television and on the radio,and Best selling author. Thom Hartmann brings so much truth and passion to the TV. With the world been face with so many problems from deficits to politics Mr. Hartmann knows about it all. Here are some of the things he have talked about through out the years.

Ronald Reagan and his tax cut is always a big hit that Thom discusses. He explains how Ronald Reagan and his Administration mess up our economy big time. Reagan did more wrong than he did good, sad to say but it's the brutal truth.

Talk Radio Online, Is The American Dream Possible. Thom Hartmann said on his show a good book to read was, The Right -Wing Distortion of the Reagan Legacy, "Tear Down This Myth". American needs to start regulating corporations for the people.

Let's move to another subject that is very uncomfortable for Thom Hartmann and myself. It's a lot to learn about talk radio online.

Let me tell you about some guys called the Koch Brothers. They are rich brothers who own a lot of corporations which are polluting and endangering the lives of the citizens. The Koch Brothers have a lot of rank I guess because they had a lot to do with the segregation of schools in North Carolina a few years back. This is stuff that don't get talked about in main stream news so very little people know about what actually happened. The chemicals they are using in there company plants are making people sick literally but I guess money talks.

Thom Hartmann finds a way to talk about bid head corporations that hurt the environment. We could talk about this subject for days leading into the pipeline and the list goes on and on. What do you do in the mean time in-between time. I have your answer, before I tell you, here's some food for thought.

Talk Radio Online, is the American system fixable. For starters don't watch Rupert Murdoch Station. Fox news corporations belongs to Rupert along with other TV networks and newspapers. It is filled with nothing but negativity feed back and news coverage to keep people living in fear. Talk Radio Online is hands down the best news to watch giving you nothing but true stories and positive info about what is going on around and away from us also what they want to keep us from knowing.

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