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Friday 10 May 2013

Next Victim of the Boston Bombings Will Be Our Freedoms

By Anne Trimble

Although, the blood of the Boston bombing victims is still not dry, another chilling element of its after-effects is becoming clear: The federal government will make use of the attack as a pretense to attempt to remove still more liberties from the average American.

Almost immediately in the mainstream media, on the day of the attacks, a handful of reporters made the connection to April 15 and speculated that the terrorists who executed the bombings could be right-wingers - perhaps anti-tax fanatics who struck on Patriots' Day, a state holiday in Massachusetts honoring the Revolutionary War, or perhaps anti-income tax zealots.

By Tuesday, it seemed as if the balance of media and "analyst" opinion had swung at least slightly in the direction of concluding that the attackers were Muslims, in part because they used pressure cookers in their bombs - a hallmark of Al Quaida.

But do these speculations matter? Whoever was behind the attacks is a diversion; the Obama administration will end up spinning the Boston Marathon bombings as a reason for heightened oppression of the average American.

Perhaps that will mean more domestic drones spying on our every move; perhaps - as New York Republican Congressman Peter King already has suggested - just "more cameras" vigilantly monitoring Americans' every move in public places.

We'll keep our ears to the ground and alert you as we can. However, everyone who reads this should do the exact same thing.

One way we may lose our freedoms is where it hurts the most-- our financial investments.

Naturally, the real reason for such an outrage would be because of the Obama administration's profligate spending, and his administration is bent on trying to control every asset that it can. Nationalizing our personal-retirement accounts would allow the government to get a loan and much more cash from its biggest debtor-- United States residents -- without further devaluing the fast-eroding American dollar.

Such a step might help pacify our various other national financial institutions, who are getting slashed by the decreasing dollar, such as China

In any event, all of this suggests just another reason you need to relocate now to escape the teetering fiat-money financial system of the United State and global monetary system and invest your assets in God's Money: gold and silver bullion, coins and other instruments.

And if you're somehow persuaded that a U.S.-government seizure of your retirement funds isn't really in the cards, you can buy precious metals for your 401Ik.

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