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Wednesday 1 May 2013

Conservative Vs Liberal Is A Debate Worth Having

By Adela Beasley

The conservative vs liberal debate, taking place in the news coverage on a daily basis, presents us with one story. The truth of what is actually being discussed is usually a different one. The taking of sides, through most of the media, does not give us that balance to know what Is happening and who wants to do what. An examination of some of these ideologies might prove helpful.

One of the Liberal icons, of his day, was John F Kennedy. One of his positions was to reduce the income tax rate of all individuals and this position is clearly within the realm of Conservatives, today. Modern Liberals, now named Progressives, would not have applauded him if he said that today.

Conservatives believe that the wealth of the nation is, first, the people and their ability to pursue happiness financially and, second, to spend that as they see fit. Progressives believe they are able to determine the best use for tax revenues and need more and more for these purposes. The non progressive side of the aisle considers this generational theft.

When the discussion turns to choice, Progressives will state they are the only ones that allow choice. Looking into this deeper, you see that a choice is only allowed in one particular area. They do not want school choice. They do not want self defense choices made outside their own selection which is extremely limited. They do not recognize the rights of States to determine things such as their own sovereignty. Conservatives take to heart the entire US Constitution.

Progressives appeal to the low information voter in the way that a lot of decisions are made. They appeal to the emotions and the heat of the day, based on some misunderstood examination of a crisis. They will say that a problem with one program requires the construction of a new, larger program to fix that problem. Conservatives will know that throwing money at a problem will only make the problem worse and cost more.

Progressives like the idea of a free press, by way of the first amendment. They will castigate those who use this right to talk or promote ideas that do not support their own agenda. As for religious freedoms, they are voted away in the name of health care, hate speech or anything that fits into the talking points they have that week.

Progressive ideas are well intended, however, that is as far as they get. Using inaccurate science to create a danger for the entire world, they will ignore the well read notices that state the science is anything but settled. Wanting people to believe that anyone owning a gun makes the world more dangerous flies in the face of the second amendment. Conservatives will have any debate of these important issues because they do know the nature and presence of evil in the world.

In deciding what side to choose in any conservative vs liberal debate, look at where the emotional triggers are being applied. Think about the facts of the issue and where the truth actually is. Look at the tenor of the conversation, what is said and, more importantly, what is not said. The right answer will present itself.

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