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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Tips For Successful Union Avoidance

By Alyssa Riggs

Union avoidance is a very important topic especially with the increase in the need to improve workplace relations. Due to this, there are a number of facts that you need to know so as to reduce the chances of unionization in your company. They are simple tips and guidelines that offer guidance on the easiest ways to deal with workers in an organization.

You need to start by ensuring that the working environment is friendly. It is all about appreciating the value of each and every employee towards the organization. In the real sense, workers play a very huge role in ensuring that the firm achieves its short as well as long term objectives.

A point to note is that most employees will unionize when they are dissatisfied about how they are treated. This is why you need to create proper channels of communication so that workers can be open to discuss their issues. Having suggestion boxes and meetings where workers issues can be discussed is very important. An open door policy is also another way to do it.

Once you have put in place policies that favor a good worker relationship climate, it is up to you to make it known to them. You can send personal letters to all employees or have it on the company notice boards. The next step is to deliver whatever you have promised.

The compensation as well as benefits that you give your employees should also be reviewed from time to time. Essentially, you need to ensure that your pay and wages are within industry ranges. Too little pay is the perfect recipe for disaster. On the same note, there should also be a policy to review personnel pay on the basis of performance as well as experience.

Then there is the issue of benefits. It has been proven that the kind of benefits you give your employees could greatly impact their level of satisfaction with their employment contracts. You should also clearly outline the benefits that each worker receives when they are working for you.

Depending on the industry that you are in, it is also very important to carry out some research so as to establish the factors that motivate employees. You will be surprised that there are additional factors and not just pay that motivates workers. Giving a worker additional responsibility has also been proven to increase worker motivation.

This is because the worker is bound to feel much more appreciated for the work they have done. This has the effect of improving their satisfaction levels. You will also realize that there will be an increased tendency to perform their duties to the best of their abilities.

When dealing directly with workers issues, it is very important that those in supervisory positions exercise professional competence and due care. This is because they have to handle issues in the proper way. This is how to avoid any problems that may arise.

So as to be successful at union avoidance, you have to be very keen on each and every issue that affects your employees. You also have to be fair in all your dealings especially when it comes to disciplinary action. Simply put, you have to be dedicated to achieve the such an objective.

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