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Sunday 21 April 2013

Margaret Thatcher Dead - New Movement

By Olive Onion

Margaret Thatcher Dead?

There's a brand-new motion afoot, it's called 'Margaret Thatcher Dead'. Whether it's political or simply social, continues to be to be debated. Ms Blythe, of South London, has actually been rallying fellow militants to celebrate her brand-new movement, Margaret Thatcher Dead.

She has set up a Facebook group, calling it 'The Witch is Dead', a subsidiary group of Margaret Thatcher Dead. This group already has over 5,000 members and calls for "demonstrations of disapproval" across the country. I am not sure what she means. Is she asking us to disapprove of Margaret Thatcher slipping out of her mortal coil, all too easily, and without a hint of hard labour?

Ms Blythe is on the ball. She has listed the joyous riots that took place in Bristol and Glasgow on Facebook.

The University of East London graduate teaches drama and arts and specialises in workshops for the young. She is particularly keen on criminals and explores conflict resolution through drama. I myself know of other ways, but drama is a longstanding favourite where conflict is concerned.

During a"flash party" to mark Lady Thatcher's passing, she gave out the call: "Anyone else like to join us?"

It reminds me of an Irish wake. Very jolly indeed.

But the naive thing is deluded. Her Facebook page reads: "Come and commemorate our liberty and flexibility from tyranny! On the day Maggie stands down, as soon as and for all!".

She says her father was a leftie and her mother was a Thatcherite. She said she is merely celebrating the demise of Thatcher's policies, rather than the mortal being herself. It's a time to reflect, Ms Blythe said, in these more prosperous times.

It's not about nastiness. It's about using that date to consider the past, however unfortunate for some people

Quote: I'm calling for a peaceful demonstration of disapproval and letting the Government know we're not stupid and we haven't been brainwashed by more prosperous times since then

It's all good, because this is a 'group catharsis', for "survivors of the Thatcher years" those suffering from post-thatcher traumatic stress disorder, a recognised disorder.

And in case you were thinking of having a jolly in town on Saturday, be warned. 25 locations across the country, are being organised by Class War, with the help of other organizations such as the All London Anarchist Revolutionary Mob, which is of course "committed to radical action to undermine the state".

Ian Bone, of Class War, said that an effigy of Our Lady Thatcher will sit on the fourth plinth in London's Trafalgar Square, which has been suggested as a site for a possible statue for the former prime minister.

Quote: There's a large papier-mache statue of Thatcher being done that will be toppled. It will be similar to the size of the Saddam Hussein one. We want to celebrate the end of Thatcher.

Scotland Yard has launched an operation to control the protest. Of course this means police officer leave has been canceled, which I am sure Lady Thatcher would approve of.

I wasn't planning to attend, but with all of this drama going on, I may pop Sheeba in her blue cat box and saunter over to Trafalgar Square to witness proceedings.

Naturally, Thatcher is not dead yet, not while she's getting all this promotion. She relished promotion, old Thatch, and the last time I looked, the Tories were still half-running the nation.

Ah well.

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