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Friday 5 April 2013

Electoral Votes: Larry Shultz

By Larry Shultz

US Nation - Larry Shultz

A good way to win the US presidential election is learning how the system works. We both know that the USA president is elected through votes. But how are the votes counted? They are counted through the electoral college votes in the US president elect.

When a presidential candidate gets past their primary campaign to win the nomination for their party, they then make it on to the campaigning for the actual presidency. Campaigning, though, is geared toward winning the votes from the Electoral College instead of winning the overall majority votes.

This system is something that creates a lot of controversy for a lot of people. Those in opposition have issues with the fact that a president can win the election without winning the popular vote, even though most presidents, including the current President Barack Obama, have in fact won the popular vote.

A presidential candidate campaigns to win the popular vote within a particular state. When the votes are cast, each state counts votes on its own. When the votes for a particular state are counted, the electoral votes for that state are all given to the candidate that wins the popular vote in that state.

In the United States the president is elected using the votes through the Electoral college. Lastly, the president will then be made the official US president. The Electoral College and the system that is in progress for the presidential election may attract a lot of attention because of its flaws, but the system is in place and has worked efficiently thus far. The president is not elected directly because of majority vote, but by a portion of 538 Electoral Votes given from each particular state as the president wins the votes in the state.

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