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Saturday 13 April 2013

Obama may invoke exec. order in gun control push

By Cornelius Nunev

The right to own a gun has become one of the most heated discussions in the country, polarizing customers from coast to coast. Gun sales are rising in an already thriving market as aficionados stock up, fearing what may come. The White House is considering 19 separate firearm control measures that could possibly be passed by executive order. In the meantime, it is meeting rigid opposition from firearm supports and from the Countrywide Rifle Association, which may or may not have close ties to the $12 billion-a-year guns market.

Looking into gun control

With 10,037,110 background checks done in order to sell guns in 2011, there are still millions of people who bought guns without background checks. When there are private sales and gun shows, background checks are unnecessary. According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Firearm Violence, background checks never occur in about 40 percent of gun sales.

The 19 actions President Obama is considering could include imposing stiffer penalties for those who lie on background checks or who traffic in guns, limiting the import of guns from overseas, and greater sharing and scrutiny of the mental health records of would-be firearm buyers.

Congress will not let him get rid of assault weapons and high-capacity clips like he wants.

Not a ton of followers

If Obama takes an executive order on any of the actions, Rep. Steve Stockman from Texas promised to impeach him. There are a lot of people who promise civil war if the administration takes the weapons. On top of that, many other gun supporters are really against a push from the administration.

Stockman said that the move would be unconstitutional, adding that he "will seek to thwart this action in any way necessary."

NRA control in Congress

The Newton mass shooting tragedy is what brought on all the interest in guns. The Countrywide Rifle Association claims that it is a better idea to put armed guards in schools and look more closely at video game violence before saying goodbye to guns. It is one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington D.C., and it has a ton of influence. It opposes the efforts.

The Huffington post explained that the NRA has no ties to the gun sector and is simply there to shield second amendment rights. The NRA's interest has always favored the gun market over its rank-and-file contributing members.

Dreier said: "The NRA is ... primarily a corporate lobby group working on behalf of the gun and ammo manufacturers, similar to the trade associations that represent car manufacturers ... and other industries. All of them claim to do what's best for the consumers of their products ... but everyone knows that they primarily serve the interests of the corporations who fund and govern them."

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