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Monday 22 April 2013

Current US Foreign Policy In The Middle East

By Alyssa Riggs

Social science places significant emphasis on the study of relations between humans. This includes current US foreign policy in the Middle East which deals with intergovernmental relations. Since governments are operated by humans, relations are between humans in the United States and those in Middle East regional countries.

All national government departments play a part in how the United States operates overseas. These include the department of defense, the state department and the education department. For example the education department would be involved in student part exchange programs and the ministry of defense would be involved in policies relating to military assistance.

All government departments have specialist, analysts and other personnel playing a part in the development, and implementation of policies which impact relations outside the country. There is also input from government entities outside the United States. For example, United States embassies in various countries may have significant input. This is so because they are in a position to provide valuable intelligence.

International relations are also influenced by the political party currently in power. Since different political parties have varying views on the world and the US role in it, it goes without saying that foreign relations are affected by the party in power. Some administration for instance may favor a carrot and stick approach. Others may prefer prefer the hammer approach.

Although there would normally be a core set of principles in any overseas policy makeup, fluid conditions require a certain amount of flexibility. For example to lower tension between two countries, a government may decide to water down a particularly stringent aspect to generate an atmosphere of compromise. In addition, a country that is friendly may have elections which result in a change to an unfriendly one. In this case relations between the two countries may change leading to changes in government to government relations.

For those nationals, business entities and organizations doing business overseas, foreign relations have a huge impact on their behavior. For example, it is unlawful to engage in the practice of paying money to any official overseas with the view of gaining business advantages over competitors. There are severe penalties for individuals and businesses that decide to engage in these sorts of illegal practices.

Allies of the United States are mostly democratic countries. Democracy is a central theme stressed by US state department officials. However, this does not mean the US does not have cordial relations with non democratic countries. It just means that democratically lead countries are viewed in a more favorable light.

Current US foreign policy in the Middle East refers to relations between the United States government and its relations with countries in the Middle Eastern region. Many government departments and the various analyst, specialist and embassy staff help to influence and implement international relations policies. The political persuasion of the current administration is influential in formulating foreign relations strategy. United States nationals, organizations and other entities doing business abroad are bound by rules and laws set down by foreign relations policies. Democratic countries have an easier time dealing with foreign relations.

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