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Tuesday 23 April 2013

Get To How The Significance Of Labor Relations Training

By Grace Rivera

An organization is a system. It is made of many people geared towards achievement o a common goal. The people cannot function without each other. They require relying on one another to ensure achievement of the set goal. If some of them happen to divert their attention from the goal for various reasons, the whole organization will not reach its goal. Mostly, employees may divert from these goals, if they feel that their welfare is no looked at. That is, they may have many complains, but due to lack of knowledge on how to relate well with their seniors, they may not air them in the right way. One way of eradicating this behavior in the organization is by offering labor relations training.

Some organizations may count the cost of training their employees. However, this should not be the case. The benefit of this training supersedes the cost. Enlightened employees will help the organization increase its productivity. It also enhances proper flow of organizations activities. As a result, the organization records increased productivity.

Good relationship between employees and employers help reduce industrial disputes. This is because employees are free to air their grievances to the employers without fear. They do not have to go to the street to ensure that their employers hear them. This helps reduce strikes, go slows and lock out. These industrial unrests create a bad reputation of the organization.

Employees love feeling appreciated by the employers. This boosts their morale to work. They also work with an understanding that their interest is similar to that of their employers. They feel that they are a part and puzzle of the organizations goals. They have a role to play as far as the achievement of the goals is concerned. This makes them apply efforts in all that they do. This automatically translates to high productivity of the organization.

People love feeling appreciated by the employers. Sometimes, employees may feel like the employers do not care about their welfare. This mostly occurs if the employees have unsolved grievances, but the employers seem not to recognize them. However, with good communication between the two parties, they can strike an agreement. Mostly, things get out of hand due to misunderstanding between parties.

High productivity is not only beneficial to the production firm, but to the country at lager. Production is one of the ways of enhancing economic growth. With good relationships in the organization, productivity is highly boosted. The country will indirectly benefit trough taxes and increased employment opportunity.

Organizations struggle attracting qualified employees, due to the tense relationship that exist between the employees and the employers. Mostly, people look at the reputation of an organization before applying for a job. If the organization had much unrest, job aspirant may be reluctant to apply for a vacancy in that organization. Again, a poor relationship is a major cause of employees turn over.

It is the responsibility of every organization to maintain good relationships in the organization. This can be achieved by offering employees labor relations training. The training enlightens employees on importance of good interactions.

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