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Saturday 1 December 2012

Why The Need For A Center For Political Accountability

By Ethel Harris

When something as delicate an issue as elections and the huge donations that big corporations donate to campaigns of politicians, it is just right that there is a center for political accountability for this. Know that when elections are nearing, large corporations make donations to their favorite politicians. Supposedly, these politicians mirror the idealism and advocacy of the companies.

In the accounting books of these large corporations, these donations are merely labeled as donations. There are no other details that would tell shareholders any idea about the expenses paid out of these so called political donations. During an election, a company may show support to a politicians through donating funds to funnel his campaign.

Sometimes, the amount of these donations are undisclosed or confidential being there is no direct motion to assess or evaluate the usage of such donations except that they are tagged as political donations. That is because getting such details would be a tedious process. Collating all the sources for such details would be hard to achieve.

But usually, the decision to donate is an intra company protocol. Meaning, however they decide it is entirely up to the management of the company. Because of that vagueness of a system, it is often difficult to trace whose decision was it to donate to this particular political party or why they did so and what has made of the money.

There is a situation in which the politician to whom the funds have been donated are not the kind of politician that a shareholder like. If given the chance, he would not vote for the politician, much give a donation to his campaign. That could be one reason also.

There should be a better way in which the process of donation can be done. It was suggested by a few purveyors of the idea to create a process or a system. The system will be the procedures that makers of the decision to donate as to whom, for what and how much should follow.

If they had their way, they would not dole out a single cent to this politician. But that is just a mild case of misfortune to them as far as this donations are concerned. There are far more grisly that than just having donated to a politician that you would rather not get a single ounce of your support and that is when the company's name and some of its key officials are dragged into some dirty issue caused by the irresponsible act of donating.

A company should not finance a politician whose advocacy and campaigns are not in line with the company's mission vision. That should be the number one consideration when choosing a politician to fund. Know that there is a great impact these donations can make on the company's image and reputation.

What these possible effects are to the company should be the number one consideration for the donation above anything else. There should be a thorough discussion before a check is issued as donation to a campaign. And this is what the center for political accountability is for.

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