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Wednesday 12 December 2012

Be The Write In Presidential Candidate 2016

By Celia Hall

A write in candidate is, by their very nature, someone who can not win. The number of people who would have to agree on the write in presidential candidate 2016 would be a number larger than the extremely few each and every write in has ever received. Let us assume that it would be possible to get agreement at this level and proceed to identify that type of person.

There will not be an incumbent for the 2016 elections. The Democratic party will have Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden in the wings for this race. The Republicans will not run John McCain or Mitt Romney, again, however Newt and Rick Santorum will be available for this run. Third party candidates are a perennial on every ballet.

A person for this purpose, in order to win, would need to be the right person for the United States, at least at that time. In 2016, the budget deficit will be approximately 2 trillion dollars per year, if not more. The country's debt with be in the 20 trillion dollar range as well. Unemployment rates will be in 10 to 15 percent range and the culture of this country will be greatly changed from the way it is now.

A write in candidate, should you be the one to recruit such a one, will need to have the ability and the backbone to make the changes that will be sorely needed. They will have to eliminate several things that many people have grown to love. They will have to have the best interests of the American people at heart, as the previous four years have shown our President did not.

The best candidate for this write in attention will need to be able to stand on the US Constitution like it is not being respected now. This qualified individual will need to know the founding documents and be able to point to them with every policy they produce. The support they give the laws of this land will need to be hammered with every speech they give and every answer they give to a very hostile press.

Most of the people who have run an independent campaign are always basing their policies around several big items, largely ignoring or punting all others. This is seen as not being important to them. The fact is, as the President of the United States, they are involved in, literally, everything and that message needs to be promulgated every day.

It is actually very easy to point out what is wrong, however, it is an entirely different thing to come up with a detailed plan to fix it. Many of the candidates in this category have also been very good on money issues, sort of, but were dangerous in the areas of national security and foreign affairs. The person for this position will need to be sober, professional and down to earth.

In the selection process you have set up for yourself, or another person, to be the perfect write in presidential candidate 2016 America needs, make sure you and them are firmly grounded in the founding documents. This is that first principles that has helped to spread wealth and security to all who follow them. The best person for this position will be the one that differentiates themselves from the past eight years by being in love with America and the ideas that we made live.

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