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Sunday 2 December 2012

It Is Crucial For People To Join Unions Australia Citizens Demand

By Sofia Ewing

It is vital to have unions Australia population acknowledge. All workers become safe in their places of work when they join or form unions. The groups solve problems for employees when they arise. The organized groups have a mandate to protect all workers from harassment and other hazards that pertain to their work. With such people in place employees are sure to work without any problems in their companies.

Workers in different organizations need to receive protection against different problems. Working conditions of workers need to be taken care of if they are to work comfortably. Those individuals that are usually oppressed often do not belong to any group of workers in the country. It is important for workers to search for groups that represent their feelings and desires.

When people work under harsh conditions, they are often given a chance to inform their employers of such situations. The employers need to listen to the workers grievances if they require proper services from them. The company management needs to communicate with its workers and make different changes when problems occur.

There are different categories of people who do not know that they are supposed to receive representation from organized groups. Such people fall in small scale businesses who feel that they are too small to receive any assistance. All workers are informed to realize the need for a group to represent them in case of problems.

Employers need to provide protective footwear and helmets for workers involved in production line work. This helps them when working with heavy metals and sharp objects usually left on the ground. When employers refuse to have such facilities available, the workers have a right to sue them for negligence and demand their right to protection.

Workers unions are crucial because they usually act on behalf of its members. They ensure safety and providence of all rights to individuals when they feel they are not treated well by their employers. The groups have a stronger mandate to face any government agency or private organization to air the views of all the workers.

When joining different groups people are supposed to pay a small fee to aid in paying for different expenses of the groups. All the members pay a certain amount of money depending on their areas and number of members in a particular organization. The most crucial task the teams play is to provide safety when the members complain of harassment and other problems in their places of work.

In the past many workers have lost jobs without prior notice from their employers. This is currently changing because the organizations demand that all workers need to receive letters indicating the disciplinary actions taken on the workers in question. Members who are sacked need to receive a certain percentage of money before leaving their places of work.

Strikes and demonstrations are ordered by groups who feel that their members rights are taken for granted. When the people match peacefully they demand that a certain problem be solved without any further negotiation. The groups are given the mandate to announce the commencement date of any strike in the country.

Without unions Australia workers say is dangerous. This is because the people will not have a platform to air their views when offended. People in the country need to join the available groups if they ever have hopes of getting support after different problems in their work places.

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