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Monday 10 December 2012

Understand the Historical past of the Illuminati

By Ronald McKee

Lots of people which were concentrated on conspiracy theories such as the New World Order (NWO) also concentrate on a very deceptive group known as the Illuminati. Currently, there is no group of individuals who will say that they are part of the stated corporation. According to conspiracy theorists, among the explanations why such things occur is really because every thing they do was keep as a secret and also the people behind the organization itself are anonymous.

Nonetheless, there are particular groups much like Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and lastly the Trilateral Commission who were being referred as sister organizations of the Illuminati. Take a sneak peek with this write-up and find out the history of this deceptive group and their secret activities they've intended for all the people on the planet.

It was on 1776 when a Bavarian Jesuit created the Illuminati corporation which is consist of freethinkers during the Enlightenment time. This group of Illuminati members had a close connection with another group known for their secrecy, the Freemasons. Many people believe that this group were doing work together to take over the government and there are rumors that they were also part of the French Revolution. Actually, the Catholic Church had protested about them and they were totally condemned to everyone. Nevertheless, the corporation didn't go well because Karl Theodor, the leader of Bavaria, had made a decision to made any type of secret community illegal.

Nevertheless, these days many individuals believe the Illuminati survived this ruling by Karl Theodor and also blended themselves much deeper into the Freemasons. Individuals firmly believe that the reason why New World Order was made is due to the involvement of the group with the main events that occur all over the world. Having a single government body that governs over the entire world, one currency, one religious beliefs and lastly a single language is what they want to take place. They believe a small group of elite powers can better run the world than several government systems.

There may be many individuals who are still unconvinced that this particular group exists, however there are plenty of evidences that absolutely proved their existence. There were documentations that were learned regarding about secretive meetings with the powerful people in politics. The agenda for these meetings has remained as a big secret and politicians which were involved will normally deny the said meetings. A few of these figures include David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Winston Churchill and many others. There are also rumored that Freemasons, The Bohemian Community, and Skull and Bones were also affiliated with the Illuminati.

Well, it's easy to understand why lots of people who believe so much with such group. There's no question that there are powerful individuals on the planet that make choices for all. With that said, it's certainly not impossible that the existence of this influential organization is true. People are very interested to understand regarding there secret plans for those who are not part of such organization.

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