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Tuesday 19 January 2016

The Flag Company Inc And Algerian Flag History

By Amalia Collins

Since the 5th century B.C., the indigenous tribes of northern Africa (identified by the Romans as "Berbers") have been pushed back from the coast by successive waves of Phoenician, Roman, Vandal, Byzantine, Arab, Turkish, and, finally, French invaders. The greatest cultural impact came from the Arab invasions of the 8th and 11th centuries A.D., which brought Islam and the Arabic language. The effects of the most recent (French) occupation-French language and European-inspired socialism-are still pervasive.

Algeria became a colony of France shortly after French military forces invaded the country in 1830 and, for most of the succeeding 130 years, it was a fully-fledged department of the French Republic. During this period significant numbers of people emigrated from France to live in Algeria's cities; in some cases they actually outnumbered the locals and became the majority.

The Algerian pennant contains two sections; the left is a green and a white on the other right. The center of the pennant indicates red star inside a red crescent. The green means the nature's grandness; the white is peace; the red is the blood of the people who were butchered fighting for freedom; and the star and crescent moon intend to Islam.

The Algerian pennant was accepted on July 3, 1962. The fundamental refinement between the flag today and the flag back on Algeria were the white part of the pennant is clearly more prominent than the green one.

It consisted two equal vertical bands which were green and white. The flag that was used from the 16th to the 19th century was also the inspiration of the current flag of Algeria. The history of the flag is still not clear to people because it was told that the creation of the flag was in 1928 by Messali Hadj. He was a nationalist leader. The white, green and red, with the star and the crescent, have been used by almost all countries with Islam beliefs.

The banner of Algeria can be recognized close by alternate banners on account of the fresh green that it involves. Despite the fact that it has a crescent moon and the red star that implies the religion of Islam, which is broadly used by the nations with the said confidence, the just as proportioned green band on the left half of the banner and the shading white on the right half of the banner are the deciding component for the banner. Flag Company Inc decided to assist with the history development by providing special decals and banners to make it easy to build a bit of university right at home.

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