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Thursday 21 January 2016

Flag Company Inc And Aruba Flag

By Emma Tart

Aruba, an island slightly larger than Washington, DC, lies 18 mi (28.9 km) off the coast of Venezuela in the southern Caribbean. The Arawak Indians were the first inhabitants of Aruba. Spain explored the island in 1499, and more than a century later the Netherlands (1636) claimed the island. After a brief rule by the British, the Dutch again took control of the island in 1816, and it officially became part of the Netherlands Antilles in 1845.

Arubans feel their country is unique in the world and in the Caribbean, that it enjoys an immutable beautiful sea and sunlight, and that many nationalities live in harmony. Aruba is a proud country, these flags declared, economically stable because of tourism and industry. Because Aruba is a peaceful Mecca for people around the world, the bright blue of the United Nations flag was an ideal match. Out of the blue field, a star rises in that corner, the canton, that is highest and nearest the hoist.

The pennant of Aruba was formally confirmed on March 18, 1976, together with an anthem "Aruba Dushi Tera". The four shades have its own significance. The blue means the sea; yellow is the colour of wealth, meaning the island's past and its business of gold, aloe and oil; red is for the love each Aruban has for the country and the matter of Brazilwood; and white symbolizes the snow-white shorelines and the clearness of the hearts of Aruba's people.

Putting the star in the flag implied it would be seen notwithstanding when the banner is moving in the breeze. The star has four focuses. Recommending a compass with its four points to North, South, East, and West, recognizing that Arubans originated from numerous countries keeping in mind the goal to live in solidarity and quality.

The star is red since a noteworthy part of the place that is known for Aruba is red, it is bordered in white to mean the waves beating on its white shorelines. Moreover, the star implies the island's solidarity, grouped qualities, force, and eminence. For the special events the Flag Company Inc invented beautiful decals for the history support.

The star also represents the island itself, surrounded by the beautiful blue sea. The horizontal yellow stripes denote the free and separate position Aruba enjoys in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Flag Company Inc specialised in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorise the future.

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