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Thursday 21 January 2016

The Flag Company Inc And Afghanistan Flag History

By Pall Smart

Afghanistan, often called the crossroads of Central Asia, has a long history of turbulence. Based on archeological evidence, urban civilization began in the region between 3000 and 2000 BC. The first historical documents date from the early part of the Iranian Achaemenian Dynasty, which controlled the area from 550 BC until 331 BC. The present Afghanistan flag is contained of three tints, black, red and green.

The black reflects the nineteenth century time when Afghanistan was possessed and did not have independence. The red shading implies bloodshed and battles for freedom and the green mean the independence accomplished and also seek and flourishing in the future. This three-stripe banner was outlined by King Amanullah Khan after he came back from a visit of Europe in 1928.

Afghanistan flag is made of equal three stripe colors with an emblem in the middle of the red stripe in white color. There are two wheat branches on each side of the and on top of the wheat branches, there is the declaration of Shahdah ( Muslim's faith declaration) which means There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet.

The two branches of wheat on Afghanistan pennant picture starts from the season of the legend. During the Aryan Empire, King Yamah and the founder of Afghanistan Ahmad Shah Durani was appointed with it as a symbol of bravery.

Afghanistan flag has been changed several times during every single regime as well as the emblem of Afghan flag. To know more about Afghanistan flags and kingdoms, we start from the kingdom of Amir Habibullah Khan 1901 to the last or current flag of Afghanistan.

The story of Afghanistan is in so many ways a very tragic one. Afghanistan is one of the most impoverished nations of the world. It is one of the most war-torn, most ravaged, and most beleaguered of nations. It is a nation that has been beset by invasion, external pressure and internal upheaval since before the time of Alexander the Great. Its people are a people who have endured more than most of us can ever imagine. Flag Company Inc decided to assist with the history development by providing special decals and banners to make it easy to build a bit of university right at home.

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