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Tuesday 19 January 2016

Andorra Flag History And Flag Company Inc

By Frederic Larson

The first reference to Andorra appears in the writings of the Greek historian Polybius (c. 200-118 B . C . E ), who tells of the military encounter between Andorrans and Carthaginians troops as Hannibal (247-183 B . C . E .) passed through the Pyrenees Mountains en route to Rome. Andorra, historically, was a rural microstate whose population oscillated between four thousand and six thousand inhabitants. In the second half of the twentieth century, as it became a large international commercial center, the nation received larger migratory populations and developed into a multicultural society.

Andorra was part of the Roman Empire in it's heyday (the Roman Empire, not Andorra), although not mentioned in any of the secondary sources which I consulted. When Rome fell, Andorra became a gateway for the northern barbarian tribes to pass from the Roman provinces of Gaul into the provinces of Iberia. Several of the tribes left traces of their passing through, including the Alans, the Visigoths, and the Vandals.

Andorra was built up in the ninth century amid Charlemagne's Empire to keep provocation from the Moors in Spain. In 1278, the French and Spanish finished up peace to appreciate the regulatory rule of Andorra. Both sides had the privilege to designate its own delegates and to acknowledge typical tribute payments.

From that point the Spanish and French fight for Andorra. In 1789, the French Revolution made stopped relations with France. In 1806, Napoleon issued an announcement perceiving the security's right to exist, to restore respective relations. The Security Council has been moderately steady from that point forward. On January 4, 1982, the parliamentary change was practiced by the legislature. In 1995, an Andorran referendum endorsed another constitution and was pronounced a sovereign state.

The banner of Andorra depends on the banners of Spain and France, the two states which are in charge of ensuring the independence of this little state. Involving three vertical bars of blue, yellow, and red, the national banner of Andorra comprises of the country's coat of arms in the inside.

These colors represent Andorra's independence from both France and Spain, as blue and red were taken from France while red and yellow were taken from Spain. The coat of arms contains the motto at the bottom which translates as "Strength United is Stronger." The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize for the future.

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