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Wednesday 13 March 2013

The Views On Conservative Vs Liberal Debates

By Bridgette Conway

In politics, the battlefield is filled with partisans and neutrals who stand firm by their beliefs and are ready to pounce during a word war. It is the arena in which you simply cannot sway the other with just a flair for speech. The conservative vs liberal game has been going on for so long that it is now important to understand what draws the line between the two.

The political affiliation of a person is influenced by so many factors. One could be the passed on tradition from past generations, thereby proving that familial ties are always stronger. It can also be a learned preference dictated by economic and world views, education or simply persona biases. This is a comparison study that will point out the distinction.

The Constitution dictates how every citizen should live his or her life in a way where no law is compromised. Conservatives believe that this should also be the case, as the Constitution is meant to be interpreted literally. Liberals, meanwhile are more dynamic because they envision a freer government that reaches out even to the unfortunate.

In terms of discussing the economy, the former expects the prevalence of a budget that is balanced, meaning less taxes and less spending. After all, supporters of this concept believe that the private sector can handle the role of distribution. On the other hand, there is also a move to raise the amount of taxes so that more money can be spared for the welfare of the unfortunate.

Those who are fortunate enough to earn so much income should spare more for their taxes. As they say, citizens do have the government, thus they should provide a myriad of services to the people. Simply put, the logic is that with the higher the tax, the more spending the regime can make to address the needs of the citizens.

Socially speaking, the conservative is known to be more close minded about issues, judging the from the name itself. With a closeted view of the reality, they do not support same sex marriage or even the legalization of abortion. The liberals also strongly oppose their move for citizens to bear arms. Furthermore, the latter are more open to interpreting the human condition without having to judge preferences.

With the numerous studies done on each of the distinction, you will come across books that explain the psychological traits of each group. Morality wise, the conservatives maintain a high moral standing that is based on traditional values. Those with liberated minds are more open to interpretation and understanding of the changing nature of the human condition.

For personal responsibility, the former believes that the people should be accountable for their actions. The laws are there to maintain the societal interests at best. Opposite to this is the view that the government should provide a structure from which citizens can look up to. With equal rights, the law should be protective of its people regardless of compromise.

Discussing about the conservative vs liberal conflict will remain to generate a good percentage of participation and interest. It so happens that people are vocal enough to air out their opinions, as they know that it is important to them. Out of it all, the important thing is that people should strive to vote for good leaders and they should also go their duties of being good individuals.

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