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Friday 15 March 2013

Not Protecting The Second Amendment Right To Keep And Bear Arms Is Death

By Dolores Harrison

The United States Constitution stands as the first, and best, example of freedom made possible by a body of people deliberately working to oppose tyranny. The second amendment right to keep and bear arms is that which will safe guard all from oppression, then and now. These rights are under attack by those who do not understand what the founders knew about human and political natures.

One of the things that is amazing, to some, is the fact that this section does not put this right into effect. It simply affirms it as part of the unalienable rights given to us by the Creator. It also has a few words, or phrases, that identify what is meant by this, who is entitled to this right and why it is necessary.

The second amendment talks about a free society and what is necessary for this concept. A free society is not possible if free speech rights are not honored. It can not be free if the rule of law no longer means what it is supposed to mean. It is no longer free if the people are not free to pursue their happiness because someone who does not share their concerns and wishes place them under bonds because of it.

This very short passage also talks about the rights of the people to have these weapons. It does talk of a militia, however, the militia was the people. All men of a certain age and up were considered the militia. They had weapons, usually rifles, and they were called upon to defend themselves and the community.

To keep and bare arms is a very telling phrase. The people, individually, kept the right to have those weapons, their weapons, on hand. They very rarely needed to lock them up, however, this can be a basic safety measure to assure unauthorized individuals did not take them. In the time of the US Constitution, the people kept their weapons, usually loaded, by the front or back door.

When thinking about what word should have been used when they wrote infringed, they decided they did not want to be misunderstood. They knew, through what they saw and heard, that a tyrannical government could only exist if the people did not have a means of defending themselves. This does not talk about hunting as hunting was a way of life that allowed them to survive.

Many people talk about gun control, as if anything can be done about it at the federal level. People discuss the concept of gun rights as if the weapon, itself, had the power to do things illegal. As this amendment states, people have the rights to have and use them, guns do not have rights.

Without the second amendment right to keep and bear arms, all other rights, expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights would be lost. The right to privacy, property, life, liberty and, yes, the pursuit of happiness would all be in jeopardy. The mandate for a gun ban would ensure only those willing to break the law, such as those who now do to break and enter, mug, rob and steal from others would have the use of weapons.

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