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Monday 18 March 2013

Consultant And Management Roles In Political Accountability

By Tamika Powell

Citizens belong in a nation and are encapsulated within the ruling of duly elected candidates who form the government. Within the nation is a society of people who have different roles to portray and purposes to fulfill. The issue of political accountability greatly involves itself in the plight of the government to promote the common good.

Ideally, issues should be resolved with ready solutions. However, there is no denying that problems will arise from any aspect of nation building. For political leaders to participate in debates with the right knowledge, they should have a good team of people with which he or she can discuss the issues. These people are responsible for researching every detail that pertains to the issue at hand.

The secret in solving a problem is that you should be able to look into its parts. There are many factors that affect how an event unfolds, and it is for this reason that consultants should function to monitor this. Their job is to seek solutions through a given set of premises.

The presence of consultants is crucial in all organizations, and they could serve as the aces. Admittedly, not everyone can have a full grasp of the insights that is why an expert analyst should carry that all around responsibility. As the possible problem fixer, they aid in coming up with reasonable recommendations that may possibly be of use to the organizational structure.

Accountability is therefore necessary to define the responsibilities of the people involved in the entire system. The meaning of this word relates to that of being accountable for your actions and owing up to mistakes if necessary. It takes one with initiative to man up and take responsibility for whatever decision was pushed through because of the given recommendation.

Back to the political viewpoint, the consultant and the management are often in a tug of war kind of relationship. As consultants, the persons in charge should be ready for the required recommendations which are spawned from the facts presented to them. However, it is not all the time that the management will accept them because they control a great degree of risk for every decision.

This is the reason why recommendations should be sound ones in the first place. To build up advices and keep them safe from rejection, it is best for consultants to emulate the kind of positive behavior that is driven with initiative. In this way, they can envision the situation properly and create concrete solutions out of that well informed line of thinking.

When a problem persists even after correspondence between departments, there could be something wrong with the internal system. It could be traced to the lack of initiative from a certain group or the result of low productivity. Common sense dictates that success is only possible if everyone has the same vision of making the political organization thrive.

The government system is made up of a lot of organizations and departments that it is sometimes hard to keep track of everything in totality. That being said, those who work under leaders should do their part by making the task more organized and meaningful. With emphasis on political accountability, everyone will know what is at stake and be wary of their actions.

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