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Sunday 17 March 2013

Interpreting Political Responsibility From Both Sides Of The Coin

By Tamika Powell

The term political responsibility can be used loosely in different circumstances. In the context of politics itself, it pertains to what the government owes to its people and what the citizens of the state can do to contribute to the society at large. Given that this area of study is filled with hot issues, it is important for people to seek knowledge instead of hide in the face of ignorance.

Your choice of politician can be influenced by so many factors. This is the reason why it is your responsibility to stand by this choice in the hopes that it will not fail you. While others might have lost their faith for the representation of rights, it is still worthy to delve into the matter to clearly define the opposing views persisting the society today.

As a well meaning citizen, you should go beyond sneering at every campaign material that you come across with. You can simply brush them aside and focus on the issues that are being fought for by these candidates. Understand that as long as you give yourself the chance to explore the options and be well informed, you could actually transcend the biases and think of the common good.

The stubbornness of some politicians in transcending political boundaries is sometimes the reason why unity is so hard to achieve. This display of disparity discourages the people as well. As a result, they form these hasty generalizations about those in politics so they will no longer have to expect so much from them.

However, it is only fair to look at the situation from the perspective of the political candidate. Some of those who are in the political arena for serious business often have to suffer the ire of cynical citizens who have had enough. With the hasty generalization, sometimes they are regarded as a waste of time.

The existence of labels, especially of political inclinations make it all the more harder to get out of the rut. To give credit where credit is due, there are people who have what it takes to lead. They have the vision and the passion to match the ideals. Then, this opportunity is not given to those who are deserving probably because of a blinded generation.

Making a choice is definitely a hard responsibility. There are instances when someone you know simply do not reflect the things that you envision. It could also be that your initial choice for the position continually fails to represent the people who have been promised with reform and relevant change.

The reason why politics is such a hot topic is because everyone wants to have a say. Past the conservatives and the liberals, there are more groups that want to be heard but cannot manage to do so. With the continued existence of disparity and contempt among the groups which hinder the transcendence of political parties, the citizens will suffer.

At the end of the day, amidst all the fighting, the whole society will suffer from the conflicts. The term political responsibility then becomes more than just a phrase being thrown around, as it also bears more weight once understood in the context of elections. The best way to look at the situation is to promote the common good and do your best to contribute.

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