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Tuesday 13 November 2012

US Prohibition

By Chris Sissy

The Volstead act or Prohibition act took effect in 1920. In several states throughout America laws were currently in place to try to halt the use of alcohol. These laws were in effect prior to the 18th amendment (Volstead act, Prohibition act) was passed before congress.

New York was the 1st state to possess any such laws passed in 1697. This law plainly stated that bars and alcohol consumption establishments have to close on Sunday. Sunday for the majority of religions is supposed to be considered a day of rest and prayer rather than drinking. In Georgia in 1735, the government passed its 1st state wide ban on alcohol. The ban survived only seven years and was a complete failure.

In 1851, they attempted yet again to instill a prohibition on alcohol in Maine, this time it worked even better than they had anticipated. By 1855, a dozen other states joined Maine in becoming a "dry state."

Following the Civil War in 1880, women of all ages joined the "dries". It was not long before the temperance movement became a power to be reckoned with. The conservative Woman's Christian Temperance Union, WCTU, was established and the Prohibition Party began gaining steam.

By 1900, more than 50% of the continental United States was dry. The prohibitionists believed they had the alcohol ban locked up and there wasn't any possible way for any person to acquire alcohol in a dry state. However, for the dries, the US Postal Service inadvertently furnished a loophole. Since the USPS was governed by the United States government not the state government, spirits could be purchased and shipped by a wet state. This angered the dries. In 1913, an Interstate Liquor Act was passed. This act effectively made it illegal for any individual to send liquor to any dry state in anyway. The end results was actually a step backwards for those attempting to keep liquor out since it gave rise to illegal strategies of acquiring the alcohol because liquor distilleries were now in league with crime bosses.

In 1917, the 18th amendment was drafted rendering it illegal to buy, ship or produce liquor. This would not sit well with numerous states. The amendment was argued in congress for a further 24 months. In 1920 33 states had declared themselves dry which meant a big victory for the prohibition party.

January 29, 1919. The 18th Amendment was ratified making all hard alcohol having an ethanol content exceeding 80 proof (40%) be disallowed. Officially, it banned the making, selling, or transporting of these alcoholic drinks. It was supported by many folks since they thought that only hard liquor was to be banned and that it would be fine to have a glass of wine with food or have a beer in the evening. Nevertheless, it wasn't until 12 months later, the Volstead Act (prohibition act) was passed. The Volstead Act totally banned all alcohol that had more than 1 proof (1/2%) of alcohol. This essentially banned all styles of alcoholic drinks, aside from non-alcoholic beers. When the 18th amendment was ratified, the Volstead Act was brought into the light by the Prohibition supporters. For many of the prohibition supporters who only wanted a little wine or the occasional beer felt as though that they had been betrayed because they were left with absolutely nothing once the act was passed.

One group that no one considered were the veterans of WW1. These soldiers felt very betrayed returning from fighting in the war. Most of them had been stationed in France and came to know how a reasonable amount of alcohol could enhance the quality of life. Returning home and discovering that the dries had won a complete victory over alcohol added to the bitterness of the veterans disdain. The fatal miscalculation with prohibition was to ban all forms of alcohol. Eighty percent of the Prohibition Party supporters abandoned the party. Prohibition lasted for 13 years in the US until in 1933 the 21st amendment was passed to officially end the ban on alcohol.

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