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Monday 12 November 2012

Civil War Flags Have A Story To Tell

By Coleen Cote

It is still considered the bloodiest battle in the history of the United States. Over six hundred thousand men were killed and well over three hundred thousand were wounded. It pitted friend against friend. States Rights was the overarching theme, but slavery was the foundation. When it came to the intent of America Civil War Flags serve as a good example.

The states which seceded did not want the restrictions of national governmental laws. They also sought to maintain slavery. The atmosphere of the remainder of the country was that it was an evil unchristian institution. The developers of the American constitution explained that all men should be treated in an equal fashion. The United States wanted to make a decisive move in that direction.

When states seceded and formed the Confederate States of America, there was a unique flag created. This confederate flag was similar to the United States flag. It had 13 stars to represent each seceded state. There were actually 3 union flags that were used during the civil war. The first flag had thirty three stars and became official on July 4, 1859. This was approximately two years before the southern states began to pull out of the union.

On July 4, 1861, the next flag became official. This was six months after states began to secede from the union. The extra star was due to the Kansas territory becoming a state. The last flag became official 2 years later. It recognized the western part of Virginia, soon known as West Virginia, that chose to stay where it had started. This flag containing 35 stars remained until the end of the war.

The fact that the seceded states were still represented on the union flag made a great statement. This perhaps factored into the outcome of the war. It suggested that the southern states still had a place in the union. This would be a truth appreciated in future years.

In a situation similar to the father of a biblical prodigal son, Abraham Lincoln, with the mission to serve and protect the Union, still considered himself to be the President of every state, both Union and Confederate. Although there were difficulties in the post war times, America healed and continued to grow. Other conflicts like World War One and World War Two helped to further unite the country.

The confederate flag still is held as a significant symbol for various reasons. Some would say it is symbolized to help generations of southerners remember the intent of the states that succeeded. Some believe is is to honor ancestors that gave their lives during the bloody conflict. The Civil Rights movement would recognize it as an even steeped in racism and a means for many to justify Jim Crow Laws, or those which kept Black Americans separated.

The United States is an example of continuous growth in diversity. Every flag that flew during the Civil War serves as credible collectors items. Original flags can still be found. These are excellent for collections. However, they more importantly serve as a window into the history of America. Absolutely all Civil War Flags are the property of every American.

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