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Saturday 17 November 2012

Bible Smuggling In America?

By Anne Trimble

Some of the true modern heroes of the Christian faith are people in Islamic countries and other areas hostile to Christianity who smuggle in Bibles for believers.

Now, we may very well need that kind of spiritual heroism in our nation.

Under the new guidelines of the U.S. Navy, "no religious items (and this includes Bibles, Biblical materials, or religious artifacts) are allowed to be taken by visitors to the Walter Reed Medical Center, as well as the Bethesda Naval Center in Maryland, where many of our wounded military personnel are receiving medical treatments.

U.S. Rep. Steve King from Iowa is among other infuriated Republicans and has vigorously begun blasting this policy, one that was buried in a four-page paper pertaining to patient care regulations.

"Mr. Speaker, these military men and women who are recovering at Walter Reed and Bethesda have given their all for America!" King declared on the floor of the House of Representatives this week.

"The people that come to visit them cannot bring a religious artifact? They cannot deliver a Bible ... A clergyman cannot attend with the Eucharist and offer communion to a person that might be on their deathbed because it's restricted in this memo from the Department of the Navy?"

This is Obama's military. And it's yet one more reason we need to defeat him in November. Our country has been built on the bedrock of Biblical principles and our right to spiritual liberty has been promised to us by the Constitution of the United States. The freewill clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government, in most cases, from blocking a person's practice of their religious beliefs. Americans of all religious persuasions should be outraged by Obama's decision.

In closing, let me repeat my main point here: Our nation was founded on Biblical principles and our right to religious freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Since the free exercise clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from interfering with a person's practice of their religion within reason, we must find a way to express our opinions about this new policy whether it is writing letters to our congressmen, creating blog posts, writing articles and posting videos online, or any other creative way to protect our rights to freedom of worship.

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