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Wednesday 24 October 2012

Five Factors In The US Economic Perspective That Make Gold Very Appealing Right Now

By Sonia Hilbert

1. Gross Domestic Product- The united states economic outlook will depend on lots of aspects, and the GDP is an essential consideration for this prediction. This factor is utilized not only by investors but also by simply government agencies when figuring out agency budgets. This economic activity indicator is really bad right now and this shows that the USA is still struggling economically. This will make gold more appealing than most other investment cars, which are anticipated to lose value if the economy slips further.

2. Employment- The employment numbers are also employed to figure out the economic prediction for the region. Right this moment many People in america are not working or underemployed and corporations are not currently employing at high rates. This is a clue to investors that gold might be perfect due to the value retention that this metal represents. When the jobs developed do not sufficiently exceed the jobs lost this is a sign that the economy is deteriorating rather than improving, and investors search for more secure and more stable investment choices like gold at these times.

3. Interest Rates- 1 factor in the US economic perspective is the current interest rates that have been applied. Right now rates of interest are really low, but just because of actions on the part of the Federal Reserve as well as US federal government. Several expect that rates of interest will be in the double digits when the artificial suppression of these rates are stopped. This aspect also makes gold great in lots of investment situations.

4. Inflation- Inflation is an important financial factor. The official inflation numbers do not consider cost raises in energy or food prices though, though these are the increased costs in which affect most People in america the hardest. When traders consider the current costs and also inflation rates gold is desirable because it acts as a hedge against this aspect.

5. Retail Sales And Consumer Spending- Retail sales as well as consumer spending are also included in the US economic outlook, and right now these numbers haven't shown much advancement. Confident consumers expend more, and buy more unneeded or high-end products.

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