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Sunday 7 October 2012

Democratic Stuff All Through History

By Juliette Cruz

There are as many forms of government as there are different countries and people throughout the planet. Some forms of government might seem more ideal, while others seem harsh or strange. If people are gathering in any place, there will be a need for government of them. Democratic stuff is just one way to govern the people.

Given an educated public, most people can name a few different types of governing. There is democracy, communist rule, and the various types of monarchies. Each country is based and founded on different ideals and values. These may not make sense to people who are just visiting. However, the most important thing that a country's government can do is protect the people in that country.

Communism is sometimes called the rule of the workers. The idea behind communist rule is that there are no classes and that the people are supposed to be in charge of production of exports and product in the country. Countries that have communist governments allegedly include socialist countries like China and Russia.

Monarchies are countries that are still ruled by a king or queen, or in some cases an emperor. The United Kingdom is ruled by a limited constitutional monarchy. Saudi Arabia and the Vatican City are ruled by absolute monarchies. There are many countries who have varying forms of leadership that is often handed down along the bloodline, or even elected in as royal rulers.

Democracy is an ancient and old form of rule dating back to the days of Athens. In ancient Athens, people were often randomly selected to fill the judicial and administrative positions in the city. However, if someone was a woman, or under age twenty, they couldn't be considered a citizen and couldn't hold such a position. Slaves and foreigners of course also were excluded.

Ideally, democratic rule is taken care of by a body of people that are elected. No one person should rule in a true democracy. Individuals are selected to represent people, and those individuals take the viewpoints and values of that certain group of people up to the ears of the government itself.

Many people democracy has failed the modern world. This is because despite the fact that members of the government have to be voted in, people still don't feel fairly represented. They often feel that the people who are supposed to represent them have no connection to them, and are far removed from the actual citizenship. However, the worst thing a person could do is choose to avoid voting at all because of this prejudice. The more people vote, the more the voice of the people is heard.

Democratic stuff may seem hard to swallow because people feel so distantly connected to their politicians. However, democracy means that the people are there to hold the elected representatives accountable for their choices. This is done through voting and no other method. Peaceful voting can be done fairly, so long as a majority of people actually vote.

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