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Tuesday 23 October 2012

Collecting Memories From Civil War Battle Flags

By Mamie Conrad

Flags hold very significant meanings to some people. Each serves as a symbol of power and represents a piece of history in it. War veterans have once held up the representation of their respective countries to fight with pride and honor. With such a telling tale of events from years back, it is no wonder that some people are engrossed in collecting civil war battle flags.

Collectors like antique items because they tell so much story. The characteristics may evoke a certain feeling of nostalgia to the owner, and that is where the charm lies. Keeping a flag as a collectible is an interesting hobby, and here are some factors that you can consider to jump start your collection.

Number one is definitely research. A good collector knows basic information about the item he or she is spending time, effort and money on. Any subject that you find interest in can be a good start. When reading about the civil war, go not only for factual accounts but varying opinions from experts and observers alike. This way, you can value your collection even more.

Next, see to it that you get the appropriate value for what you spent on. An item like an antique flag is very much in request and is in most collector lists. This is why you should be attentive and discerning because there may be a growing number of replicates sold in order to supply the growing demand.

In terms of personally heading out in the hopes of finding a flag or two, make antique shops your top priority. You will most likely find collectibles in specialty stores like it especially since rare finds are all the rave with collectors. It is definitely okay to get excited with the idea of finding additions to your collection. However, careful inspection is also recommended so you will get to practice your ability to discern a genuine one.

Fourth, look out for live auctions online as they easily close with many bidders ready to take on the challenge of securing a purchase. If you belong in a network of trusted buyers and sellers, always heighten your radar for the said collectibles. Transacting online may be risky, however, that is why you should only go for trusted dealers.

Aside from going from one shop to the other, try not to overlook the experts. Paying them a visit would be a breather. Think of the stories that they will share, especially if they have been personally involved in the wars. You will surely get a good number of anecdotes plus the opportunity for your collection to be personally inspected.

Proper storage is also crucial in keeping your flags in good condition. This is why you should secure stylish and functional display cases that are airtight to prevent the formation of humidity and dust while still making your collection look great and groomed. It is a way of ensuring that the future generations will make use of your collection and continue the legacy just as years add more value to your items.

Civil war battle flags tell stories of defeats and triumphs. There are so much meanings one could get out of these items that researching information on them will bring you back to a very intense part of American history. Collecting them is just one of the ways that you can honor the past and preserve what memories they hold, for your self and for posterity.

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