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Monday 22 October 2012

Exactly Why The US Economic Perspective Remains Uncertain

By Benjamin Hagans

The financial crisis ended in 2009, so why is the US economic perspective still so unstable these days? There are many reasons why the economy did not choose back up because the monetary crisis passed. Political gridlock in the united states government has made it impossible to foresee what exactly the regulations in the future will be. The health care mandate that was passed is being legally contested in courts , and this mandate could prove costly to some business owners.

Consumer expenses are still at very low levels, and many clients are choosing to save rather than splurge. Americans without jobs in high numbers and many have lost their homes and retirement funds. The national debt continues to climb with no end in sight, and the price of gas, energy, and food are at awesome levels. All these issues it's no surprise that the perspective for the economic system is not rosy.

The US economic outlook today shows a lot of factors. The trade debt for the USA will be over $600 million by the end of 2012. The rate of economic growth is extremely small at about 2%. Lots of firms are waiting to view what happens in the presidential elections before making any employing or expansion plans. Job growth is also very low, and the new jobs being created are generally not high wage jobs that promote the middle class.

A lot of economic professionals foresee that the poor economy will continue for at least another 18 months, and perhaps much longer. Similar factors that are bringing down the US economy are also dragging down other economies around the globe as well. It will take some more time just before people become more confident about their financial condition, and the future of business regulations.

The US economic outlook remains unstable based to some because of the mixed signals given and the changes in direction that the US Government remains to take.

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