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Saturday 8 September 2012

The World Wide Necessity Of Haiti Reconstruction

By Kerri Turner

A devastating earthquake shook the foundation of the nation of Haiti. On Tuesday January tenth a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit. On that Tuesday widespread loss of life and infrastructure occurred. Approximately two hundred thousand people lost their lives. One and a half million citizens were left homeless. This destruction from Port-au-Prince and beyond would be a difficult situation for the country to endure for years to come. Haiti reconstruction would then become a focus for the world. In response support, which included spiritual, medical, and financial, poured into the country with the focus on helping the people and the country move back to a position of normalcy.

Sadly, Haiti and reconstruction have been partners for some time. Beyond the loss of life and infrastructure in previous natural disasters the country had been weakened to the core by dictatorships. Through two generations the dictatorship suppressed growth, exploited wealth, and left them with very little competitive advantages for the future.

During and after dictatorial control there was a struggle against the plague of poverty. This plague was continually fed through high rates of illiteracy and unskilled labor. But the nation has never been without resolve. There has been a slow but gradual move towards a better future.

There was substantial financial support that poured in after the earthquake. Over twelve billion dollars came in with the United States contributing close to three billion. Yet three years later there is very little evidence to suggest that there was ever any contributions at all. Schools and health care facilities, barometers for growth and well being, still lie in ruins. There are still hundreds of thousands still living in makeshift tent cities. This was still the case when Hurricane Isaac hit the island nation recently.

Any large amounts of cash that enters an area without little or no oversight will surely lead to theft and misappropriation. There is little doubt that this occurred again in this small french speaking country. This is only magnified here. Embezzlement is a problem that plagues even the most advanced nations. So the world should reconsider harshly judging Haiti.

The next steps are questionable. It is understood that complete reconstruction will take time. It is not unreasonable to assume that it will take twenty years to not only get back to post earthquake conditions but also to reach the levels of economic freedom that all countries deserve. Educational will be an essential part of this process. The educational process needs to start with the inspiration and challenging of the children through qualified teachers.

The adults must be able to receive technical skills in the process. There must be a resolve within the nation that lack of education and high unskilled labor are unacceptable. The contributions of education are embezzle proof and will always put a nation on a more solid foundation.

The economy of Haiti is one that is heavily dipped in agriculture. An ideal plan would be to move towards manufacturing. This could be complimented with improvements in education. The entire world will gain from Haiti reconstruction. As she goes, so goes the world.

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