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Friday 21 September 2012

Law of Attraction History

By Glenda Feilen

The history of the Law of Attraction extends back to the beginning of the universe - if indeed the universe had a beginning. This in itself makes for an intriguing conversation.

Our world had its beginning, we know that. The Big Bang theory is now commonly accepted. But did the universe start, or has it been here eternally? If it didn't start, then it won't end. But we are getting away from the subject matter.

Natural laws have always existed, so it is safe to say that the Law of Attraction too has always existed. No one is aware of precisely when it was first 'discovered.' Most likely, some ancient people knew about it. There's a consensus that it was known 7 - 8,000 years ago, which would take us back to the Stone Age.

It is interesting to hypothesize whether such knowledge could somehow have had an impact on projects like the construction of the pyramids, or Stonehenge and other enormous works.

Exactly how were those enormous stones at Stonehenge moved? The mighty sarsens, each one weighing 50 tons. They had to be dragged for about 25 miles, and it has been been estimated that it would take nearly 500 men to drag one stone, with another hundred to move the huge rollers upon which the stones were placed.

Then they needed to be uprighted, and the lintel stones positioned on top. Not simply slung up any old way. They were keyed in with amazing precision. For some reason, I find it tough to believe that this was achieved by manpower alone. I know it sounds wild, but something along the lines of the Law of Attraction, some natural law, may have been known to these people and they were able to use it advantageously in their building.

We don't really know anything about the early manifestations of the Law of Attraction. We do, however, have documents of the opinions of people from the 19th and 20th. centuries. H.G. Wells wrote in his book, "The Time Machine" that 'Viking people know very well that time is only a kind of space.' In another part he wrote, 'There is no difference between time and any of the 3 dimensions of space except that our consciousness moves along it.'

Plenty of the great thinkers of that period were firm believers in what was later referred to as the Law of Attraction. Interestingly, of all the major newspapers, it was the New York Times in 1879 that used the phrase first in connection with the trains of the Colorado Gold Rush.

The electrician, John Ambrose Fleming, believed in the 'energy of attraction,' and pronounced his beliefs in 1902.

The New Thought Movement of 1904 - 1907, of which Thomas Troward was a leading light, claimed that physical form arose from thought.

William Walker Atkinson, in 1906, used the phrase in his book 'Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World.'

Another great supporter was Wallace Wattles who, in 1910, wrote his renowned piece, 'The Science of Getting Rich.' I can't say for sure how rich Mr. Wattles became from this volume, yet lots of individuals have professed to use the Law of Attraction to bring them wealth. At any rate, the Law of Attraction is an idea that ought to be continously researched in years to come, who knows what power it could possibly unleash for the human race?

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