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Monday 24 September 2012

Facts About Journalism And Media Training

By Karen Rutherford

Some people don't know what is journalism and what does a journalist do. In this article we will tackle both and also about media training. To begin we will start to define journalism. Journalism is investigating and reporting the current events, issues and trends to a large number of audience, topics of information ranging from the business aspects and government to the cultural aspect of the public such as the arts and entertainment. On the other hand a journalist is any professional who practices journalism and provides information for public use with the use of the print and electronic media.

The different classes of journalist are as follows: Reporters - they are the ones who state things as it occur. Correspondents - either writes or relays events as they happen. Photojournalist - capturing events in video or pictures. Can either be a photographer or a cameraman. Editors - they are the ones who have the responsibility of deciding what story or report is news worthy enough to use. Researcher - the person who handles documentaries, features, and other special duties. Newscaster - journalist responsible in relaying news on television or radio to the public. Broadcasters - they are the ones with the responsibility in handling the packaging and presentation of television and radio programs. Publishers - they are the ones who usually own the news paper and magazine companies.

We all know that the major sources of information are the media. That is why it is essential that a journalist should undergo media training to improve their communication skills and understand the significance of communication strategy, to gain more knowledge on the new ways and techniques in journalism in this era of technology growth and information and also to find effective solutions on the issues that the media face nowadays.

In this time and age journalism is facing rapid changes to survive the challenges of the new world. Even though there is a decrease in the demand of newspaper, still the hunger for news and commentary news is still present. The media world is extending its arms to the online world to also use the benefits that the internet provides. This new technology is posing as a threat to the traditional news including the broadcasting and the print. Additional knowledge to be gained by journalist is a must to cope up with these rapid changes.

Media Training aims to develop a variety of ethics and standards in journalism, teaching journalist to consider the importance of objectivity and lack of bias in their way of reporting the news and including methods in providing the factual and accurate information for use by general public. Making a journalist to be the best in the field, a person who takes personal responsibility on what to write, and has a strong ethical and moral codes that could help determine what information to write and what to leave out.

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