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Sunday 24 August 2014

Unique Facts Shaping Scottish Politics

By Colette Foreman

The United Kingdom has maintained administrative powers over Scotland since 1707. Scotland has been ruled from London for years with few changes through devolution happening in the 90s. This has witnessed relinquishing of power to Scotland alongside North Ireland and Wales. Recent independent push has seen intrigues that are about to alter Scottish politics.

59 members of parliament represent Scotland in London. There is a local parliament in Edinburgh with 129 members. The issues directed from London include pension, defense, social security, fiscal economy, monetary policy, medical ethics and foreign affairs. The government in Edinburgh presides over local government, environment, justice, health, agriculture and education. Edinburgh is under the First Minister who is the leader of any party with majority in parliament.

The vote to separate pits nationalists against a UK backed wing that does not support separation. Intense campaigns are in progresses to determine who takes the day in the September 18 vote. The issues raising a storm range from sharing a common currency, natural resources, debts and the health care system. Access to BBC resources is another issue of concern to Scots.

The debate on whether to adopt a common currency is mostly being driven by desire for national pride. Continued use of the pound means that full independence will not have been achieved. The pound will only thus be regarded as a stopgap measure in readiness for own currency.

Reducing natural gas reserves are a subject of debate during the referendum. It is estimated that with independence, Scotland will have to import oil and natural gas from UK. This will make it more expensive and is likely to pull independent voters into supporting the push to remain part of UK. Imports are likely to wreck the economy of Scotland. It is estimated that the reserves can only last 15 more years.

Voters are particularly sensitive about the debt sharing debate. The UK public debt was the subject of discussions during the recent financial crisis. It is expected that a separating Scotland will have to commit to repay part of the debt. The amount will determine the ability of Scotland to takeoff after declaring independence. There are projections of a slow down in the economy.

Though the healthcare system has been devolved, eminent changes in the UK health care system have informed the debate to a large extent. Privatization is being sold as the only way to make the services cheaper and easier to customize for the population. Pro-separation movement thinks that this will hurt the majority by leaving them vulnerable. Scotland has been receiving over a billion pounds for the sector from UK every year.

BBC remains a national symbol of the United Kingdom. A split is poised to make it expensive to watch some prime programs. Separation takes the privilege of equal opportunities enjoyed by all citizens of the UK. Some channels will only be available on pay TV packages.

The UK government was meant to release details on the full impact of independence. This is yet to happen, a situation that is throwing the entire campaign into limbo. A lot of propaganda and desperate rhetoric are characterizing politics at this decisive moment. September 18th is a date when Scots come face to face with destiny.

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